Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

•Ellie's Point of View•

December 17th, 2013

"I'm so sorry for overreacting, you have no idea how sorry I--" Sam cut me off with a kiss to the lips.

"Let's not think about that night. It's behind us, and I just want to think about how beautiful you are." I felt so at home in his arms, in fact, I was at home.

I was sat beside Sam on the sofa, my head resting upon his shoulder. I was nearly asleep, not only was I exhausted, but, I was so lulled by the fact that I was in the right person's arms after almost two months, two horrendously long months.

"Sam! I need help!" Taylor called, she was in the den trying to do homework that Sam had been mailed. It was also more convenient for him to help her since he had gone to the exact same school as her.

"I'll be right back," he told me, getting up and waking up Penny in the process who easily became alert and wondering what Sam had gotten up for. The dog soon realized he wasn't going to do more than give her a quick pat on the head, so she came to me, hoping for more affection.

As soon as Penny lied down again, I did the same. Laying my head down on my left hand and closing my eyes.

That only lasted for a couple seconds though. Before I knew it, I felt Sam's lips on my temple and I couldn't of been at more peace.

"I missed being able to do that," he commented, before I sat up and gave him room to sit, finding my place back on his shoulder.

"I missed you, now shut up and let me enjoy your presence before Taylor calls you back in," I closed my eyes again, enjoying the serenity of the moment.

"How can I shut up when all I want to do is talk?" He wanted me to kiss him. He was doing this completely on purpose.

"Talk away then," I was evidently smirking, knowing I was now teasing him.

"Well, firstly, I don't remember history being so difficult, secondly--" I cut him off.

"Taylor's doing history and she's getting your help? You were the one good at Maths, I was the one good at History. she might as well be talking to a stone right now, in fact the stone would be more helpful," I laughed.

"I did that exact course however many years ago and that's why she wants my help. The teacher hasn't even changed," he was lightly stroking my right arm and it was giving me chills.

"She'd still be better off with the stone, next time she asks for help I'm going in there."

"It's not going to change the fact that the stack of work is at least a foot tall, she has English, History, and Math, this semester," I felt so bad for Taylor because I knew I was the main reason this was happening to her.

"When does the semester end?" I asked, wondering how much time she had to get her grades back up.

"End of January. Start of February are the exams." I'd be away on tour by then, I wouldn't be able to help her at all.

"I start tour at the end of January," I sighed.

"Let's not think about that either." He placed a kiss on my forehead, "have you ever noticed how Taylor just gets more beautiful by the day?" He changed the subject, quite wonderfully at that.

"I have. I have to remind myself that she's ours every day, that she isn't just a figment of our imaginations and she's very real. I learn something new about her everyday, my mind is just bursting with the little things I notice she does," I was smiling, thinking of them.

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