Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

•Taylor's Point of View•

July 24th 2013

"Elena?" Sam asked, hoping Ellie would clarify if Sam was my dad or not, Ellie easily became as white as a ghost despite how tanned she was, she was nervous.

"Yes, he's your dad love." Ellie admitted to me and I looked up to the man in front of me who was in fact my father.

"I can't believe this." Sam spoke up

"Don't worry, neither can I." Ellie muttered but I, I was left speechless.

"What can't you believe? You've been the one raising her for the past what fourteen-fifteen years!" Sam mentioned and I couldn't help but let a tiny laugh out, Sam looked at me confused before looking back to a very flustered Ellie.

"Why'd she laugh? You were the one who's raised her, right?!" Sam asked confused to Ellie.

Ellie sighed before looking up to Sam, obviously trying to muster up the right words to tell him.

"No, Sam. I didn't raise her." She admitted.

"Mates, we've been arguing in a hotel hallway for the past five minutes. Lets go inside the room." Hannah told us awkwardly, this was obviously very awkward for Hannah and I. You'd have to be the most oblivious person on earth not to notice how awkward this was for Hannah and I.

Hannah opened the door and I grabbed my suitcase, toms, backpack, and kindergarten binder from the floor. Handing my legal rights papers including my birth certificate to Ellie.

"Go to our room for a second, i'll call you when you can come out." Ellie whispered into my ear seriously and I nodded going straight to Ellie's room and closing the door.

I rolled my suitcase near my side of the bed, looking out the window and seeing the beautiful afternoon view. Suddenly I heard an argument rise just as easily as that.

"Who raised her if you didn't?!" Sam asked loudly

"Doesn't it seem obvious? My mum told me to put her up for adoption, Sam. She had strangers raise her, I had to trust strangers with her life, Sam!" Ellie replied back just as loud.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in Seattle when you had her, we could've got back together to raise her?!" Sam asked

"I was hopelessly out in the cold, braving the December weather. Looking for you when my water broke, I literally had my water break out in public on Christmas eve as I tried to look for my estranged lover." Ellie stated enraged, I had never heard her like this before.

"Well why couldn't you phone me before?" Sam asked not yelling like before

"Because you still lived with your mum apparently, and it wasn't like she was going to let me talk to you." Ellie said and I could totally sense her rolling her eyes at Sam.

"I didn't live with her! As soon as she split us up, I saved up enough money so I could move out! Why couldn't you look in a phone book?" He explained

"Look Sam I went back to the U.K. For three months. That was before I was forced out of Hereford by my mum, so my three siblings wouldn't find out I was pregnant! I moved to London since none of my siblings had moved there and it was safer than Hereford in my own mums words. I made two trips to Seattle in the other six months, even though my mum didn't want me here. I ended up not being able to go home and have our daughter in London like I wanted because I stayed in Seattle too long trying to find you! You left me heartbroken Sam." Ellie almost whispered the last words, my head was against the wall and I was eavesdropping which I knew was completely wrong of me. then again, I could probably not have my ear against the wall and still hear them.

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