Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

•Taylor's Point of View•

August 31st 2013

My eyes felt extremely heavy, My head was pounding, and my body felt pretty weak.

Last night when I got back to Sam's, not many words were said. Ellie was still extremely pissed off at me; she never came to bed last night.

When we got back last night and I ran to the bathroom to throw up the alcohol in my stomach, she did pull my hair back.

I looked to my side to see another Advil tablet and a glass of water on the bedside drawer.

Graciously, I grabbed the water and the tablet and took a swig of the water before plopping the tablet in my mouth and swallowing it.

I looked down at my body to see I was in my pyjamas and to be quite frank with you, I don't remember changing. I remember throwing up, not changing.

Nevertheless, I got up out of bed feeling much better. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Hannah saying how she had been busted by her own parents; that's what I made out of the text anyways.

I took the empty glass in hand, that was previously water, and walked downstairs. Ellie and Sam were down there and they had been talking about me, unfortunately.

I kept my head down in shame as I placed the cup in the dishwasher.

"Good-morning, Taylor." Ellie monotonously said, my head whipped around to see her on her phone. She hadn't of even looked up at me for a second.

"I'm sorry about last night." I apologized, not even remembering what I had said.

"You should be. You know what, I can't even believe you, still. How could you lie right to our faces?" She asked, not as harsh as I remember her tone of voice being last night.

"I only went in the beginning to make sure Hannah didn't tell! Then she forced me to drink, I don't even like alcohol!" I yelled in frustration, did she not even understand I did what I did to make sure our secret never got told?!

"Tay, calm down. What did you not want Hannah to tell everybody?" Sam asked calmly

"If I didn't go, Hannah might've told Ellie and I's secret! I had to make sure she didn't tell." I explained.

"So she blackmailed you?" Ellie asked and I shook my head.

"No, she didn't blackmail me. I went to make sure she didn't tell everybody from grade ten to twelve about us. She's obsessed with popularity, and does anything she can to scratch together every ounce of popularity she can get. I was only invited because i'm her best friend, i'm not even supposed to be popular, at lunch I sit in the corner of the library and read my books." I explained again, rolling my eyes at Ellie annoyed.

"Why are you friends with her then?" Ellie asked getting up and placing her phone on the table in front of the couch.

"We've basically been friends since Pre-School. She was the first and only one to come up to me. We've stuck together ever since, she's starting to branch out and get more friends, plus she's getting drunk a lot now." I sighed, knowing you're best friend is branching away from you is horrible. Within a month of her partying all the time, we'd basically dropped from best friends to good friends.

"Look, i'm still upset with you. Especially with what you said in the car, but we both know I can't stay mad at you forever." Ellie responded standing in front of me, with her arms crossed.

What did I tell her in the car ride home? Oh god, "Whatever I said in the car, I probably didn't mean. I don't even remember." I put my hands up in defence.

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