Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

•Taylor's Point of View•

I walk back to my dorm and yours truly is there on her macbook and talking on speaker phone to her friends. She quickly picks up her phone and changes it from speaker phone so that I cannot listen in. I can almost verify by how quickly it went from speaker to at her ear that they were talking about me.

"Where were you all last night, Taylor?"

"You're not my mother," I reply as I sit down on my bed and charge my phone. It soon illuminates as it turns back on again. Apparently I had given Fynn my phone to look after once I had gotten drunk so that it wouldn't be misplaced and I would end up back at my dorm with it. I think I re-call Fynn taking pictures during the night too.

"You're my roommate though, and I want to know where you were."

"You just want to know where I was, it's not against the law to not tell you where I am every second. You don't run me anymore, Hannah. Get over yourself," I roll my eyes at her and I know she's doing the same.

She shuts her macbook, and grabs her wallet and keys before leaving the dorm. It's either she's leaving so that she can talk to her friend about me or she's leaving so that she can hopefully request a new roommate, I know I want one.

I brought out my phone to see a few text messages from different people. I also saw that I had a few missed calls from my mom. Oh God.

I called her back right away, not wasting a moment as I knew she probably had a whole search party out looking for me since she had called me late last night and there had been no answer.

"Taylor?! Is that you?" I can tell by her tone of voice that she is incredibly worried.

"Yeah, I'm here. Sorry for not picking up, I went to bed early," I hoped she believed me.

"Went to bed early? That's not quite what instagram insinuates," What have I posted... I turned on my macbook and checked immediately, only to be met with photos of me kissing Fynn, me playing beer pong, and myself making bad decisions.

"I can explain the first photo of me kissing that boy and that is all I can explain... I'm definitely not dating him and although I woke up in his dorm, we are nothing. He just helped me get away from all of the other boys that would do something with me. I don't recall that kiss so it obviously means nothing. University is fun and I promise I am actually learning lots."

"You woke up in his dorm, oh my God, Taylor, you've been there for four days. How much have you learnt in four days?"

"I've learnt enough to say that I am learning a lot while being here," I've barely learnt anything, I've only been here for four days. Mom isn't stupid, which is my downfall, "I have to go, erm,  I have a class," I lied, it was Saturday. There was no classes today.

"Taylor-" I hung up from the awkward phone call with my mom and put my phone away again as I plunged my body onto my bed in embarrassment. So many people had seen those photos. I don't recollect even posting them but I think I had begged Fynn for my phone back for a few moments and judging by my posts, I was not all there.

My phone started ringing again and I saw that it was my father, knowing it was either my mom calling from his phone or my dad going to give me a lecture about boys, I declined the call instantly.

I got changed out of my clothes from last night and put some cozier clothes on that would fit the gloomy Seattle weather.

I couldn't believe that I had kissed Fynn and posted a photo of it on instagram, I had honestly felt terrible for him, I had more than enough followers on social media sites to start something up and this poor boy was going to be at the brunt of it with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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