Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

•Ellie's Point of View•

July 24th 2013

The serene feeling of my beautiful daughter and I's embrace, lasted no longer than a minute. Thanks to Hannah misjudging were the door frame was, she tripped over her own foot and thankfully she had grabbed the door frame to keep her from falling onto a huge pile of smashed glass. How awkward of a trip to the hospital that would've been.

Taylor and I both pulled away from our sweet embrace to help my distraught friend. We pulled her up, Hannah thanking us in doing so. She means well yes, but sometimes I wish she didn't come in at certain times.

"Here love, why don't you pick out a suitcase or two full of things you want to keep. Don't worry the large things like your electric piano and your guitar can be moved separately." I told her earning a weird stare from Taylor, what did she not understand?

"Moved separately to where?" She asked and that's when I remembered. She didn't know who was her legal guardian right now, neither did I, but I had a pretty good idea who was going to end up being her legal guardian.

"I guess I should've told you sooner but by the time I head back to London, you'll be coming with me and Hannah. Better explained as i'm going to be your legal guardian by a month and a half."

"A month and a half." She mumbled trying to set that thought in

"So, would you want me to be your guardian love?" I asked not sure if she wanted me to be all of a sudden, she had been so thankful towards me you would've thought she would've been on board. At the same time though, I knew this was hard for her to process, she had just lost her parents and here I was telling her I was going to be her legal guardian. That'd be a lot to take in honestly.

She looked up to me with lust in her eyes and I was so hopeful she was going to say yes.

"Of course, Ellie." She smiled embracing me in a bone crushing hug and obviously I was thrilled, more than thrilled. My daughter, my blood, she wanted me to be her guardian. That was a huge step for not only me but her as well.

"Thank you so much, Darling! I won't let you down, I promise." I replied the happy tears streaming down my face

"I guess I'd better pack a couple things then." She sighed

"Want Hannah and I to give you some alone time while you do it?" I asked rubbing her shoulders, I knew it would be hard to take the past forty-eight hours in. She became mute, she nodded, but I knew that sad feeling was once again inside of her. She obviously had friends, saying goodbye to them would be horrible and I knew that.

They knew the reason as to why she would be leaving, it was ever so present it even hurt me.

"C'mon Hannah. Call me if you need me, darling." I said and Hannah was out of the room, Taylor nodded and I gave her a sweet smile before I left.

Hannah and I walked down the stairs and we heard a loud knock on the door, here we go again.

"Hannah, i'll answer i--" Hannah cut me off. Knowing that if I answered the door one of those men wouldn't make it back home in one piece.

"Elena, go into the kitchen. Let me handle the damn paps." She ordered and there my chance was to knock some sense into the paps; gone.

I nodded groaning before sitting on the floor of the kitchen. Waiting for Hannah to answer the door.

"Hello, I would kindly like to ask you two to not bother me and my friend anymore." Hannah's voice soft and nice

"We'll give you money to know what the name of the teenager is." One of them noted making me sick to my stomach.

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