Chapter One

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Chapter One

Taylor's Point Of View•

July 16th, 2013

I looked at my surroundings; My red acoustic guitar in the corner, my piano in the other corner, my television, my dresser, my mirror, and my partially opened blinds making the hot Emerald City afternoon sun land on my tan face.

My mom and dad are more tanned than me, I really don't know how, mind you, I have a fair complexion but they're less pale than me; Somethings I'll obviously never understand. Also, the fact that they both have Blue eyes and I have Brown eyes, How I'd kill to have inherited their eye colour.

I felt a buzzing sound right beside my ear, So I picked up my phone and randomly pressed a button hoping it was the right button to accept calls.

"Hello?" I managed to croak out through my groggy thick hoarse morning voice.

"Hannah?" I answered realizing it was my best friend. I mean who would call me at 12:35 PM telling me to get my ass at the park, nobody else.

"Twenty-Five minutes and i'll be there," I bargained.

"Yes, you've woke me up again."

"Twenty-Five minutes, At the park. You got it," I said hanging up the phone realizing I literally had five minutes for a shower, five minutes to get changed, five minutes to eat breakfast, and five minutes to put on my mascara and my ever so little amount of foundation.

Better start now.

I ran down the stairs putting on music and a timer of four minutes and twenty seconds getting ready to endure the shortest shower ever.

I picked a long song to play as I was only going to listen to one; that's just how short this shower was.

I washed my hair and quickly got out drying off my face then applying my waterproof mascara, then running up the stairs and quickly putting a dab of foundation on my t-zone, underneath my eyes, and a tiny bit on my chin.

Once I was pleased with the make-up I had done in less than two minutes I grabbed my favourite pair of shorts; they were red awkwardly enough; everybody thought red was my favourite colour but really it was just in season.

I grabbed a random shirt which was my white shirt with a black triangle on it; It was simple but I liked it. I tucked the shirt into my pants but brought it back out a bit as that was all the rage right now. I ran downstairs again, grabbing my blue TOMS, cause those were also all the rage right now.

I saw a piece of toast on the counter and knew that mom had left it for me, I quickly got out the nutella and spread it on my toast quickly then split the toast in half and ate it.

I had four minutes left by that time so I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then starting to brush my hair out and part it on the right as it was always parted.

After I had taken half hearted care of my damp hair and just made sure it was brushed through, I had grabbed my leather jacket, my key, and my phone before I left and locked the door.

Realizing the park was a three minute walk and I had a minute I decided to run because we all know that if it was up to Hannah she was going to use my full name and my full name wasn't one I preferred to hear.

Taylor Jane Phillips wasn't that creative; like mom, no. You could've gone for a better middle name. Jane is so plain; exactly why they called me 'plain Jane'; mind you I'm creative unlike my mother.

My taste in music is definitely a creative one. My best friend; Hannah, has a very wide range in music going from the likes of Rihanna to Black Veil Brides, I'm pretty sure I inherited some of her taste as well. She did go on a Katy Perry splurge before her Rihanna splurge from there she got into her Skrillex splurge which resulted in Black Veil Brides maybe a year later; very wide as I said before.

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