Chapter One

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Chapter One

•Taylor's Point of View•

As I stepped out of my vehicle, and watched as dad parked in the space beside it I saw mom with tears in her eyes. She promised me she wouldn't cry and ruin my chance at getting friends.

"God dammit why are you so grown up, go back to being fourteen," She tried to keep her cool but it wasn't going well. With Lauren watching over Connor at the house, mom was able to devote her full attention to me for one of the first times in almost two years.

"Mom, find your chill," I rolled my eyes at her, half hugging her before taking out two bags from my car and putting one on my back and carrying one in.

"I'll find mine when you find yours, love," She replied, wiping off her tears before grabbing a box of my things from their car.

"Out of all the eighteen years I've known you, you've never once had any chill," Dad added, coming up from behind mom and placing a kiss on her cheek. Making mom smile as she looked to the ground, biting her lip slightly.

"Please, let's get my belongings into my dorm before one of you drops a box," I rolled my eyes as they both got all quiet and lovey-dovey. God I love them but God are they ever lovey-dovey.

"Erm, good plan, darling," Mom fixed her bangs and we all started walking to the head office to finish my administration and get the keys to my dorm.

As we walked into the school I got this nervous feeling flowing throughout my whole body, and I realized this was going to be my home for the next few years.

We got into the dean's office and we were able to set everything up completely and I got my key to my room, my family and I walked to my dorm. I would never get used to saying 'my dorm,' in all honesty, never.

When us three reached my dorm, I inhaled and exhaled slowly before opening the door with the key I had been given. As I turned the key I noticed mom was starting to tear up again so when I opened the door I immediately dropped my bags and took the box away from her and comforted her, hugging her and rubbing her back.

"I don't want my last memory of you until November to be when you cried in my arms, please get it together for the next five minutes," I quietly said so none of the other students getting into their dorms watching my mom cry in my arms could hear.

"Ells, keep it together, you can cry in the car," Dad told her softly, also rubbing her back.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," I watched as mom picked the box back up after getting out of our family hug. Wiping off her tears from her tear stained face, thank God she didn't wear any make-up today or that would've been an absolute mess.

As I picked up my bags, and followed after my mother into the room, I saw that my roommate wasn't here yet so I sighed in relief. I chose the bed on the left hoping I wouldn't regret my decision later. I shoved the two medium sized boxes under the bed and placed my two bags on the bed.

Exhaling again as I smelt the dorm room that smelt like nothing but a like a bit of a musk. Obviously the smell would go away later once my roommate and I got properly settled in.

"Is this everything, love?" Mom asked and I nodded, watching as she started having another moment. My hair was getting in my face a bit so I pushed it out of my face, feeling the left side of my head, the little shaved patch making me smile, mom didn't do that bad of a job, I was actually quite impressed.

"Here, let's walk back out to the cars, and we can say our goodbyes until November out there. I don't want my roommate seeing you like this," I looked to my mom, directing that to her and she nodded.

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