Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

•Taylor's Point of View•

November 20th, 2013

"Taylor?" I could hear a voice whisper, it wasn't Ellie. "Taylor, wake up. This is important." It was Hannah.

My eyes squinted open to see Hannah behind my bedroom door, holding a envelope of some kind.

"What's in the envelope?" I mumbled, trying to wake myself up.

"It's something concerning you. Now sit up, love." Hannah told me and I rubbed my eyes before sitting up like she had asked. Instantly, Hannah took a seat on the edge of my bed.

"What's in the envelope, Hannah?" I asked, more awake this time.

"Sam sent it to Ellie through the mail since his house is the new mail address for your school and--" I took the envelope away from Hannah before she could say another word. It's my report card for the term so far.

The envelope had already been opened, and I knew that Hannah had opened it and seen what was inside.

I knew it was bad. I knew the marks were bad- horrible, before I even took the paper out.

My spirits fell even further when I looked at the paper. I was failing everything.

"We have to burn this, shred it, scribble out my marks, anything for Ellie not to find out. She can't find out I'm failing everything, Hannah." I was mentally freaking out, Ellie can't find out about this.

"I thought you would say something like that, that's why I didn't tell her about your marks. Sam knows about your marks, and Ellie will find out someday about your marks from your term or whatever, but, I'll cover for you, for now." Hannah smiled at me and I mentally exhaled.

"What Ellie doesn't know, won't hurt her. I'm just going to rip this up and she'll never know." I looked hopeful. If I just ripped this up, she would never know and everything would be okay.

"She'll find out eventually. She has to see Sam sometime or another, you have to see him." Hannah shrugged her shoulders and realized just how pointless getting rid of this was, yet it was so detrimental that I did.

Ellie was going to find out anyways, but, I could prolong her finding out a little bit longer.

"How did you even get my report card?" I asked, starting to wonder just how Hannah got her hands on this.

"I went to get Ellie's mail, she asked me to. You're lucky she decided against going to get it herself." Hannah smirked, knowing she had saved me from doom.

"Hannah?! Where's my mail?" Ellie called and Hannah looked to the door and got up, being interrupted by Ellie opening the door. "What's going on in here?" She asked. No way.

"Nothing. Hannah came to wake me up." I smiled.

"What's that piece of paper, love?" Ellie asked and my eyes widened. My report card.

"Nothing important." I shrugged, I knew right away Ellie wasn't believing me for a second.

"Hannah. I'll meet you in the living room." Ellie wanted to talk to me. Hannah sighed before nodding and leaving us, if I could've jumped out a window I would've.

"What's good, darling?" Ellie asked and I sighed. Looking down at my marks once more.

"Not much." I was avoiding eye-contact with Ellie. I couldn't bare to look at her.

"What do you mean, love?" Ellie took a seat on the edge of my bed, much like Hannah had just done.

"I wasn't planning on telling you, but, since you're curious and you'll find out anyways... I'm failing all my classes at Rainier Beach, my report card came in- Hannah didn't want to give it to you, but, since Sam has already seen it. You might as well know." I shrugged, handing my report card to her. She was analyzing it, I know she was going to be upset about my report card. In my defence, I couldn't really do anything about it until I got back to Seattle and tried to fix it.

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