Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

•Taylor's Point of View•

I walk around the campus of this university, I'm amazed with how big it is. I only ever visited here a couple times before sending out my application. It could've been my biggest mistake but I found it marvellous as I got to explore this place for the first proper time.

Hannah hasn't been impressed by the fact that I've actually woken her up at the time I said I would wake her up at. I've been waking her up every day for the past four days, but that wasn't my fault. I did warn her and tell her I would. I am a girl who stays true to her word.

As I continue to walk past the different buildings where different lessons are taught, I can see the different types of 'cliques' visibly, it's like high-school the cliques are all still here. I'm going to have to find a few friends because I surely can't depend on Hannah to be my friend. As far as I know, whilst Hannah and I are in the same dorm, we won't be friends.

I walk around the science and math building, where biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus are all taught. I have no clue why I'm walking around here, I have no classes surrounding this area and I surely never will. I may of passed all of them with good marks but I would never do something with my life around those subjects.

I can tell that the people watching me can tell that I'm lost. It's when a young man walks up to me that I know people know that I'm lost. There's something about him that's familiar, I know I've met him before, but I just can't quite pinpoint exactly how I know him.

"You're lost aren't you?" He asks, he has such nice green eyes, I can't help but get lost in them immediately. It's my second day and I've already found a boy that's cocky enough to come and tell me something I already know.

"I'm on my way to the music and drama building place to go and check it out, I'm fine," I rolled my eyes and held my books close to my chest. Trying to walk around him, he wasn't letting this happen. He got in my way and stopped me.

"The music and drama building place is that way, Taylor," My head snapped up as he turned around to leave. He knew who I was, I wasn't going crazy. I hadn't of just told him my name at all either, I definitely knew him from somewhere but exactly where, I did not know.

I turned around and walked in the direction that mysterious boy had pointed to, I didn't have any classes but I knew I was still so lost.

I saw him talking with his friends over the way and I knew I had to ask him to guide me around, I wasn't going to make it anywhere fast like this. I watched aimlessly around until they all noticed me looking around like a fish out of water, I wasn't having a panic attack or anything like that, I was simply just making a fool out of myself.

I saw the boy sigh as he walked towards me, he knew I was hopeless.

"C'mon, I'll show you around," I nodded fast and followed him. He kept his hands in his pockets as he walked, occasionally taking a hand out to point to a building that I would probably need to know about, "It's all about routine, I'm sure once you've been around here enough times and go into certain buildings for the twentieth time, you'll remember where they are on the campus map. Did anybody happen to give you a map or was it more like a, 'here's your dorm, go find out where it is, good luck, we hope you make it to dinner,' type thing?" I nodded. My dad was the only reason why I had even made it to my dorm in one piece. I had only been here twice before and it was a quick tour of just where things were in general, never their placement on a map.

As we continued our way to the music and drama hall, it seemed like we were passing by more and more people. I think we were getting closer to the front entrance and since school would be starting up soon it made sense that it would be crowded as students came back to get settled in to their dorms or find their bearings like this mystery boy was helping me do.

"I'm sorry I never got your name, what was it?" I asked, thinking about how awkward I must've sounded afterwards. I should've waited to ask.

"It's Fynn," Fynn. That name was so familiar, I was sure I had heard it said around Rainier Beach at least once.

"Are you from Seattle?" He looked to me as if I had asked one too many questions but I was just innocently asking. He didn't need to be a prick about it.

"What's it to you?" I held my books close to my chest and kept my head tilted towards him. He was really starting to annoy me now. I was so sure I knew him but the only thing I knew about him was that his name was Fynn.

"You seem to know this place well, I was just asking a question," I apologized. I had no reason to apologize but I did anyways. I knew just by his attitude that he was one that I shouldn't get on the bad side of.

"I grew up in Oregon but moved here when I started high school," He looked to me as I looked head on at the huge building, It was a really nice building and I was trying to avoid eye-contact at all costs, "Let me guess, you don't remember where your dorm is, do you?" I glanced over at him and shook my head. I was hopeless but like Fynn had said, it's all about routine, "C'mon, it's this way," He sighed. He knew I was hopeless.

I hadn't of told him where my dorm was, how would he of known where it was? Dorms weren't gender specific and there was a few all over campus.

"You've lived in Seattle your whole life right?" He asked, probably just trying to get away from the awkward tension.

"Yeah. I have," I timidly answered. I knew by the looks that we were getting that people thought we looked odd together. He was a tough punk that wouldn't listen to anybody, and I was a shy yet headstrong girl who was just as stubborn as this tough punk.

I saw my dorm in view and I knew I could walk the rest of the way from here. We had initiated almost no conversation and I just wanted to get away from this awkward hole.

"Um, this is my dorm. I can walk from here, you probably want get back to your friends," I keep my books close to me but he grabs my shoulder.

"I stay in the same dorm as you. All first year undergraduate students stay in the same dorm building," He laughed and then I understood but I was still very confused.

"I thought you came here last year?" I asked, hoping this wasn't too personal of a question. If he was still going on his first year courses it was obvious that he had failed.

"I failed my courses last year. I didn't care," I knew it.

"What are you taking?" I had only decided now to start conversation. If he had even got into this university he had gotten an overall good average in high school.

"English, biology, and mechanics . What are you studying?"

"English, drama, and music."

I was thankful as soon as we reached the door that I could say goodbye. I knew he would be a bad influence on me. All I was here at university to do was be a good kid, pass all my courses with good marks and get my degree. I wasn't here to fail courses and pay more and more money to this place. I wouldn't be able to afford another year. Although I'm sure my mom could help me out in a heartbeat, I didn't want her to.

I was here so I could show my mom that I was independent and I didn't need her help.

"Hey, don't get lost without me around to save your ass, Goulding," My head whipped in Fynn's direction. He knew exactly who I was. I knew that I knew him from somewhere, whether it be from Rainier Beach high or just seen him roaming the streets of Seattle at a point in time. I had seen him somewhere and he had seen me too.

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