𝒊. fugitives and friends

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            All good things must come to an end, but if you don't want something to end, can't you just stretch it out? I mean, look at Maggie, she's been stretching out her fate for a while

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            All good things must come to an end, but if you don't want something to end, can't you just stretch it out? I mean, look at Maggie, she's been stretching out her fate for a while. Two months, to be exact.

            No need to worry, folks, she's not terminally ill of some sort. She more, like, runs from her haunting past. Maggie likes to imagine it might leave her alone, but back at home it's waiting for her to rejoin. Waiting for her revenge.

            For a while the brunette actually wanted to leave and collect her revenge, but she decided to hold on and wait, and then she decided to wait, and wait again until two months passed and she's still waiting.

            Waiting doesn't actually seem that bad when you found yourself a group of friends who — can be questioning at times but — love to do dangerous stuff to keep you on your toes.

            Dangerous things such as now, John B — the brunet of the group — climbed on top of an old boathouse in renovation, drinking from a can of beer and balancing on one converse-covered foot.

            "That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Pope calculated. Pope might actually be the only guy in the friend group who hasn't 100% lost his mind. He's responsible and cares about his future, that's more than the other two could ever do. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

            Maggie took a drag from her joint and passed it to her blond friend as she watched John B put his finger in his mouth and hold it up in the air. "Should I do it?" He asked around.

            JJ passed the joint back to Maggie after having taken a drag from it as well. Pope grabbed a drilling machine from a pile of supplies beside him. "Yeah, you should jump. I'll shoot you on the way down."

            "You're gonna shoot me?" John B made finger guns at the dark skinned boy.

            "Come on, Pope. We all know you out of everyone here would not shoot anyone for the life of you." Maggie added. Her voice always stood out wherever she went with the three boys and the girl, all because of her accent.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now