𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. waking up the dead

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            John B lead the Pogues to a cemetery

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            John B lead the Pogues to a cemetery. "A cemetery! Out of all places, a cemetery!" Maggie exclaimed to the sight of the place.

            "See, my great–great–grandmother Olivia Redfield," John B looked at his ancestor's grave. "That was her maiden name. Help me with the door, come on."

            Maggie looked to the blond on her side. On JJ's forehead was a flashlight, shining the light on the tombstone. He gave her a reassuring smile, but Maggie didn't need reassurance. This wasn't her first match with death.

            The five teenagers pushed the door of the tombstone for several minutes, it was clear it wasn't moving.

            "Come on, this door is like 700 pounds, man. It's not gonna budge." Pope groaned.

            JJ disagreed. "We didn't come this far to get this far, all right? We got this."

            JJ hadn't finished his sentence and Maggie heard the hissing of a snake behind the door. She jumped back in fear. Maggie hated snakes.

            "That's a moccasin, all right!" JJ noticed. "Ye olde Sr. Cottonmouth! Death in tall grass." He started barking at the snake.

            Maggie scrunched up her face. It may have been true that snakes were afraid of dogs, but this was so stupid.

            "JJ, shut up! Shut up!" Kie yelled.

            Maggie added, also yelling. "Dude, we're in a cemetery! What if they wake up?"

            "They're afraid of dogs, everyone knows that, man," JJ defended himself. "Wait, wait, hold on. If there's one, there's probably dozens."

            Maggie let out a scared squeak. She grabbed JJ's shoulders, placing him in between her and the tomb and hid behind him, ducking. "I really dislike snakes."

            As JJ continued barking, holding onto Maggie, Kie tried to stop JJ. "Can you stop, you're scaring her."

            "Stop barking at the snakes." John B hissed. The three boys continued arguing, causing Maggie to let go of JJ and get a hold of Kiara, who stood a little behind them.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now