𝒙𝒊𝒗. a midsummer night's dream

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            They stayed like that for quite some time, until Maggie checked the time and cursed herself for forgetting it

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            They stayed like that for quite some time, until Maggie checked the time and cursed herself for forgetting it. JJ pulled her back in the hammock, but Maggie urged him that she really needed to leave.

            She had an appointment to meet with Kiara and her mother Anna for the Midsummers dresses. She was supposed to be there five minutes ago. Maggie ran to the other side of the island and arrived surprisingly fast.

            She sprinted upstairs. "I'm so sorry," Maggie breathed out as she knocked the door open. "Am I really late?"

            "No, you're fine, dear," Anna urged her inside. "Come, come look at your dress. It's gorgeous."

            Kiara turned to her, "Where were you? I've been looking all over for you."

            "Blondie problems." Maggie replied.

            Kiara nodded. "Tell me later?" And Maggie nodded to that as well.

            She watched how Anna took a red, silky dress from the closet and held it in front of Maggie. "It's— red!" Maggie exclaimed, trying her best to fake the excitement.

            Red's the academy's colour.

            "Yeah!" Anna said excitedly. "Do you not like it? Oh, I know I should've asked you before."

            "Anna," Maggie stopped the middle–aged women. "It's perfect. Thank you." She forced a smile. "I don't get to wear dresses like this ever."

            She got changed into the dress. It was a beautiful dress, it was just the colour that bothered her. It was an off–sleeve dress, showing Maggie's collarbones. Maggie's hair went half up, half down, her head filled with flowers. The dress was long, the ends of the dress would surely be muddy at the end of the evening. The golden jewellery finished the look. Maggie hated wearing heels, but she could do a great job walking in them due to her training.

            She came back inside Kiara's bedroom, Kiara stood all done in front of the mirror with a displeased expression on her face. "This is disgusting." She complained.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now