𝒙𝒙𝒙. you were bigger than the whole sky

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            Pope, JJ and Maggie arrived at the dock

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            Pope, JJ and Maggie arrived at the dock. JJ and Maggie put the boat in the water. Kiara and Adriana weren't there yet, which was odd. They should've been able to arrive before them. Finally the two girls arrived at the dock.

            "Finally!" Maggie shouted, jumping off of the boat. "We thought you guys drowned or something."

            "Nope, didn't drown," Adriana replied sharply. "Did discover some interesting things, though." Maggie noticed a sort of poisonous tone in her voice. When Kiara rolled her eyes, she understood who in it was targeted at.

Adriana stepped onto the dock with a backpack full of food. Maggie stepped closer to Kie, who remained still. "Trouble in paradise?" She asked her, a small glance back at Adriana.

"Don't worry about it," Kiara replied. Her face grew worried. "What happened to your nose? It's all blue."

"Don't worry about it." Maggie smiled, using Kia's own words against her. She looked to the setting sun, casting a orange–ish light onto the OBX. "Hey, what time is it?"

Adriana checked her phone. "3 PM."

            "Dude, where is he?" Kiara worried.

            "Give him a second. He'll be here." JJ and Maggie agreed with Pope.

            A siren came closer to them then. The police car in question stopped at the dock. The Pogues panicked, telling each other to get on the boat in case they needed to run themselves. But there was no necessity to do such thing.

            When the door swung open, the Pogues expected Shoupe or any other officer to step out. Instead, John B — John Booker Routledge, the "criminal" — stepped out.

            "Tienes que estar de broma, tío guay." Adriana marveled, seeming to not notice she had transferred to the Spanish language. The rest of the Pogues said variants of the same.

            John B ran a hand through his messy hair. "Shoupe let me take it for a spin."

            "Okay. That's believable," Kiara nodded with a bright smile. "I'll buy that for now." She stepped forward to embrace John B. Maggie was next for him, she stood next to Kiara, after all.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now