𝒗𝒊𝒊. independent and dependent variables

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            "The Merchant Royal, or the Royal Merchant, sunk somewhere in 1941. On board were bars of gold worth 400 million dollars nowadays. Not only that, but on board was also a cross which was said to contain a piece of cloth that had healing powers. Any questions?"

            Magnolia almost closed her eyes, that's how bored she was. She'd placed her elbow on her table and her chin in her hand, but it just made her sleepier.

            "Magnolia," The teacher said. "Anything you want to add to that? You seem awfully interested in the subject."

            "No offence, ma'am, but we've gone over this a hundred times," Magnolia replied, not shifting in her position. "I was interested in the subject, now I'm just interested for lunch."

            The class laughed, but miss Limbrey didn't find it as funny. Her cane clanked against the stone floor as she neared. "You're lucky you're unmissable. You'd have been sent away way sooner if you weren't."

           As drowsily as she was, Magnolia gave the woman a thumbs up before going back to her textbook.


            Maggie backed away from the office, scratching her arms filled with stress. She ran off the porch to the van parked in front of the house. Scratching wasn't enough.

            Bad seed. Get it out. Can't stay. Bad. Bad.


            With all her might, she punched the tree next to the van. It hurt like hell, but at least it worked. Maggie's panting was the only thing left that she heard, but the voices stopped. It was silent.

            That was until she heard two sets of footsteps approaching. As Maggie hid behind the van, she untied the bandana around her head to cover her bloody knuckles. Slowly, she tried looking towards the footsteps. Those were the guys that shot at them on the marsh.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now