𝒙𝒙. don't call me baby

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            Magnolia wasn't sure about a lot of things. But one thing she didn't have any doubts about. She hated Daniel Berger. Magnolia Clarke hated Daniel Berger so much, she could gag by just the sound of his name rolling off of her tongue.

            The way the man thought he was invincible ( okay, maybe he was, no one had ever defeated him before ). Daniel acted like a usurper. Meanwhile, he wasn't even the boss.

            For now.

            She'd been sneaking around his office for days now, trying to overhear more about the details. Something was going to happen and Magnolia Clarke wanted to know it all. Unfortunately, guards surrounded the office 24/7 and Magnolia had no chance to get in unseen ever.

            She stood behind a wall a little further away, hidden, when Daniel came out of his office, Magnolia duck. He came in her direction, and she couldn't risk being seen.

            Behind her was the door to one of the rooms with bunk beds. The one where the lowest students lived. Magnolia realised this door was always open and slipped in.

            Inside the laughter of adolescent girls died down. They stared at the girl who'd bumped through the door. Magnolia only blinked. She would never have gotten in there, because she could never be at the bottom of the social pyramid.

            From one of the bottom bunks Yuki jumped up. Her shirt still had a few stains from the training earlier. "Magnolia!" She yelled, sprinting forward. "Did you need something? Do we need to go back to training?"

            "I think you trained enough today," Magnolia laughed a little at Yuki's questions. The small girl visibly relaxed. Magnolia's voice turned stern. "But you do need to leave. All of you."

            Ashley, a girl in the back, came forward at the announcement as well. Her eyebrows furrowed. "Why?" Magnolia stayed silent. "Magnolia, what's happening?"

            "I don't know," She confessed lowly. Her voice regained its usual strength when talking. "But something is happening, and you won't want to be here when it does. So I'm repeating, all of you need to leave. One by one, if necessary. But I will not leave by my own."

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now