𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. no feelings attached

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            Even though it was dark outside, Maggie sat on the porch with the lights on

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            Even though it was dark outside, Maggie sat on the porch with the lights on. This bullet had to get out now. She'd taken a pincet and loosened the cloth around her arm.

            Even though the cloth had indeed slowed the bleeding down, it was still coloured a darker red. Maggie didn't even flinch when the pincet penetrated her wound. At the Academy she'd had worse wounds, which she all had to treat herself. The Pogues acted as if it was a death by a thousand cuts, but to Maggie it was nothing new.

            She took the bullet out effortlessly. Maggie saw JJ light up a cigarette and take a seat opposite of her. He stayed silent, for once in his life.

            "Thank you—" Maggie said as she dropped the bloody bullet on the ground. "For today. Protecting me."

            "Didn't do much, I guess." JJ answered, a battered tone in his voice.

            Maggie softened her eyes for him. "Don't blame yourself for that," She told him honestly. "As much as I appreciate you protecting me, I'm still able to protect myself, so if I get hurt, that's my own fault." She put down the pincet to start wrapping a bandage around her arm tightly.

            JJ changed seats next to Maggie on the porch. He leaned his back against the fence. "I just—" He choked on his words. "I never wanted you to get hurt, Mags."

            She shook her head. "It's fine, really." She finished her bandage and if you didn't know there was a wound under it, it looked like she wrapped her arm in a bandana.

            JJ followed her movements closely with his eyes. His ocean eyes were soft and shimmering in the dim lights of the porch. He shuffled a little closer, breathing in deeply. "Listen, the dare—"

            "Just forget about it," Maggie smiled. She shrugged. "It was a dare, right? No feelings attached."

            A sadness flushed over the blond's eyes. He nodded slowly. "Yeah, yeah, no feelings."

            JJ stared into the abyss, smoking his cigarette. There may not have been feelings attached to the kiss, but there were to her. And they were strong. "We should get some rest, don't you think?" JJ turned his head back at Maggie's question, her eyebrows raised.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now