𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒗. my dog eats my homework

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            So. Let's catch up to speed, shall we? Ward? Murderer. Gavin? Murdered (By Ward, who else?) The gun used on both Peterkin and Gavin? Gone down the drain. Any of last night's footage? Wrecked, unfortunately.

            Oh, and let's not forget Kiara shouting at Ward, causing him to see them all. There. Now you know everything we do.

After getting back in the car, Kiara instantly called the police, despite everyone telling her not to. Kiara wanted them to know about the body. Maggie knew they wouldn't do anything about it, even if they found the body. They never had. And even if they would, Ward would have people on the inside making sure he remained untouched.

Ward Cameron was fucking untouchable.

But the strange thing was, when the police arrived at the scene and the Pogues lead Shoupe up the construction site, there was nothing. The place was bodyless and, most surprisingly, bloodless. It was as if what had happened, happened inside their heads. But they knew it didn't.

But Shoupe didn't believe the stories. "Look, it was right here, and this is where that maniac claimed his next victim. Right there." Kiara said as she pointed at the spot Gavin died.

Shoupe was writing it down absentmindedly. He wasn't going to do anything with it anyway. "Uh–huh. His next victim? Right. How long ago did you say it happened?"

"Like 45 minutes ago, Shoupe." JJ said, now crouching down, trying to find even the smallest trail of proof the crime had happened.

"Okay," Shoupe wrote that down in his notebook as well. Maggie was getting nervous about that little notebook of his. "And so, Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him? Execution style? And then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes?"

"Ward's got half the island working for him, Shoupe, I'm sure he could gather a couple men to help him cover up a murder. Especially when payed nicely." Adriana told him. She had thought about this deeply in those 45 minutes.

Shoupe's expression remained unchanged. Until Kiara said. "We filmed the whole thing."

He looked up. "You filmed it?" His tone suggesting he still didn't quite believe it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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