𝒊𝒊𝒊. surfed the surge

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            "You guys saw that?" JJ gasped

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            "You guys saw that?" JJ gasped.

            The five teens came above the water once again, after checking out the boat they'd found under water. Of course, Maggie instantly knew what brand the boat was.

            She co-made the design after all.

            "It's a bloody Grady White!" She exclaimed, JJ nodding along excitedly. "Those are expensive, though."

            "A new one of those is like 500 G's, easy," JJ added to the information. Maggie knew that too, she just didn't want to share. Once climbed back onto the boat, JJ continued in his excitement. "That's a primo rig."

            "Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge," John B shared. "Maybe it hit the jetty or something?"

            John B's intent on saying that statement like it was nothing blew. Kiara wasn't as pleased with him. "You surfed the surge?"

            JJ was more excited than Kiara. "That's my boy. Pogue style!"

            "Without us? C'mon, B!" Maggie complained. Even though she'd wished to come along, she was still proud her friend did it. In the back of her mind, Maggie knew she would've chickened out before reaching the water, but that didn't matter.

            Pope was the one to bring the distracted teens back to the matter at hand, the boat. "Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?"

            "No," John B answered his question. "But we're about to find out."

            John B opened something up on the deck and started taking stuff out. Maggie couldn't see what he was taking out, but JJ objected. "Dude, it's too deep."

            The brunet reached down. "Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ." He took out the boat's anker.

            "Well, I'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."

            Maggie smiled, patting the blond's shoulder. "Look at you using big words."

            John B excused himself. "That's fine."

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now