𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. i did something bad

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            "Come on, Misstücken, my grandma can run faster than that!" Daniel shouted at the running teenagers. "And she's six feet under!" Magnolia arrived at the destination first, breathing heavily due to the extreme exercise. "Good job, Clarke. Come on, people! This is only the warm up!"

            Magnolia knew how exhausting Berger's warm ups could be, but this was a whole other thing. It was as if he wanted everyone to be so tired, they wouldn't be able to do anything the rest of the day. When finally the last girl arrived, he shook his head. "Pathetic," He complained. "Worthless. How do you expect to become an assassin if you can't even run?"

            The young girl looked up to Magnolia. She was only about twelve years old, and Magnolia knew she was new. She'd only been at the Academy for two weeks. A fresh orphan, abandoned here by her grandparents who were supposedly given custody after her parents' death.

            Magnolia reached out to her and brought her by her side, getting her a little out of Daniel's view and giving the man a cautious glance. Daniel paired all the girls in duos. Magnolia went with the new girl, and learned her name was Yuki.

            Yuki had some Asian background, but Magnolia couldn't make out which country exactly. They had to spar. Magnolia went with Yuki on purpose, she knew how the other girls were so desperately looking for Daniel's validation to be the best. They'd do anything to impress him, even if that meant nearly killing a little girl.

            "I'll be defence," Magnolia told the little girl, getting ready in her stance. "Show me what you know," She smiled. Yuki attacked, but it was so obvious, Magnolia blocked. "Try to stand sideways. My target is smaller if you are, and it's less predictable where you're going to hit."

            Yuki nodded, standing sideways. She attacked again, Magnolia could've easily blocked it, but decided not to. It gave Yuki the confidence to continue with her head held high. Magnolia hadn't dealt a single punch, not even after fifteen minutes.

            At one point the owner of the Academy came into the training room. Richard Clarke was on the phone with someone. Eventually he hung up to watch the training for a while. Magnolia waved at her father. He waved back with a big smile.

Cruel Summer. JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now