Chaos in library

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Rain didn't stop to think. What was there to think about? She wasn't going back. If her uncle knew she was here and willing to risk a terf war she had to run now, but she had to get away first.
Somehow 2 goons became more. She lost count as she fought.
"Boss didn't say she could fight." One goon said.
Rain smiled. No, uncle wouldn't tell them. He'd want to test them and her; see if she was still able to be his prized pawn.
"Only the best pawns become queen Rain." His voice echoed as a goon landed a blow to her face.
She locked eyes with him straightened her glasses and threw a punch knocking him out.
As the men in the meeting room came running out Peter came round the corner, "Uncle Ben! There are guys trying to take Miss Creek!"
Steve saw red. Someone was trying to take the girl? He sprinted off with Bucky close behind.
Bucky's eyes went dark; they better hope she wasn't hurt.
They jumped in the fight easily over powering the goons. Final count was 5 verses the 10+ men in the meeting room.
Rain was black and blue. She'd ducked a goons fist and used her shoulders to drive him into a wall. As she stood ready to fight another she saw that the men who came with Ben Steve and Bucky had taken care of the would be kidnappers.
A hand was placed on her shoulder and instinct had her grip the wrist and twist the arm. The man easily countered that and made her focus calling her name, "Miss Creek... You're ok now..."
It was Steve. Rain blinked a few times before she realized that she was ok... For now.
"I have to go. I can't be found."
Rain went to step back, but her adrenaline crashed and she fainted.
Steve caught her with ease, "Call Banner to meet us at my place and get the the Cleaners here ASAP."
Ben cussed, "Track suit mafia... No doubt; what the hell is Kingpin thinking?!"
Bucky followed Steve out, "Worry about that later; now just get the cleaners here and we'll question this lot when they wake up."
Ben nodded. Peter chased after Bucky, "Mr. Barnes sir... Here's Miss Creek's bag... She might want it when she wakes up."
Bucky looked down at the kid, "Thanks."
In the back of Steve's car he carefully cradled the woman. She fought off 5 goons by herself using skills he'd never imagine a woman like her having.
She was soft in his arms and he wished like hell he was holding her for different reasons.
Steve took note her hands were bruised and bloodied. Her lower lip was split and might need stitches. Amazingly she still had her glasses on though they were bent.
Steve carefully traced the marked cheek. Those bastards would pay for every mark on her skin.
Bucky sat across from them, "She fought like hell."
Steve agreed, "I want their balls on a platter."
Bucky smirked, "Ben's going to arrange for their interrogation."
One of the many things you did not do was beat on the weak. It was a lesson Steve's father instilled into him, "Never hit a woman, child or someone weaker than you son."
He might be a mob boss, but he wasn't a monster.
Bucky took stock of the woman in the lap of his best friend and he too felt righteous anger. She took a hell of a beating, but from what he saw gave as much as she took.
He was going to enjoy unraveling her mystery.

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