Kidnapped by the Barron

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Steve and Bucky were yelling at underlings when Director Fury came up, "Gentlemen... This is Maria Hill and Carol Danvers they are my top detectives."
Steve turned, "We fucking know who took Rain Fury."
Carol sighed, "Sir we already have an APB out on the vehicle as well as for Helmut Zemo."
Maria nodded, "We are certain he is going to try and flee back to Europe."
Bucky stared ahead; he was going to kill Zemo.
Carol's phone rang, "Danvers... Are you certain? Why weren't we called? Of course..."
Carol hung up, "Zemo's private jet took off from Islip airport 15 minutes ago. Air traffic controller was paid off to over look the APB until after takeoff."
Steve kicked a trash can, "Where's Fisk? He'll know where they're headed."
Carol looked at her phone, "It appears from CC TV footage he is on the plane."
Fury shook his head, "Maria get interpol on the phone. Rogers, Barnes since you are not suspects I can't keep you from not going after your girl I also have no jurisdiction out side the city or state of New York."
Maria handed Fury the phone, "This is Nick Fury... I need a favor."
Rain slowly began to wake up on the plane. She opened her eyes to see her uncle wipe her forehead with a damp cloth, "You always have to do things the hard way Rain Lynn."
Rain closed her eyes, "Why? Why couldn't I-"
Fisk sighed, "Rain you're still so young. Zemo is a good match you'll have a nice life...lots of children."
Rain shook her head, "I am not marrying him let alone sleeping with him."
Fisk sat back, "You're lucky Zemo even still wants you after you whored yourself with Rogers AND Barnes!"
Rain blinked at her uncle, "If that's what I did then at least I did it for myself! I am tired of being your pawn; of being made to have no say in my life. I was happy uncle and..."
Fisk stood, "Happy is over rated. Had your mother just listened to me she wouldn't have been with your drunk of a father!"
Rain didn't have words and turned away from him.
Zemo came from the cockpit, "Wilson why don't you sit with the pilot já?"
Fisk sighed and walked away. Zemo sat next to Rain, "I am sorry for the harsh words your uncle said." Rain wiped at her tears as he spoke softly, "I am also sorry for taking you as I did; in my mind I had planned something much more... Romantic."
Zemo took her hand, "My little maus I promise you that you will be loved and cherished."
Rain looked at him, "I was already."

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