Date night

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Steve tied his tie; he wasn't this nervous ever. It was a mix of first date jitters and fear he couldn't keep Rain or Bucky safe.
He heaved a sigh worried about all the what ifs.
His father's voice rang in his ears, "You can't control everything son. Sometimes you just gotta let the bad come with the good."
Joseph Rogers was a wise man; who despite his dangerous business lived to the ripe old age of 65 passing due to lung cancer.
Steve smoothed out his suit jacket and tried to steady his nerves.
Bucky debated about whether or not to wear a tie and opted for not. He figured Steve would be more formal; so, he'd go for the more causal look.
He remembered the first time they shared a girl.
Her name was Kitty. They were all dumb drunk teens, but man did it feel exciting.
He and Steve dated different girls, but nothing felt as good as sharing a girl with his best friend.
They thought they had a good thing once...
Bucky frowned he would not think about that; not when they had the most perfect woman waiting on them.
Rain was like an angel sent from God himself!
He smiled at his reflection, "Not too bad for a poor boy from Brooklyn."
Rain finished her make-up and examined herself. The dark purple cocktail dress hugged her curves and accented her attributes. She opted to not wear her glasses as the old prescription gave her a head. She'd order a new pair tomorrow.
Rain giggled knowing under the dress was the lingerie Nat and Wanda had helped her pick out.
She wore her hair down wearing a simple beaded barrette to pull back her hair.
Taking one last look and adding her mother's opal necklace and earrings she went down stairs.
Steve and Bucky were waiting for Rain at the bottom of the stairs. When they looked up both were speechless.
Steve blinked, "Wow. You look..."
Bucky whistled, "Doll you're beautiful every day, but damn... I might have to fight guys off you."
Rain blushed, "Thank you, but I'll be too busy fighting off the women from you 2 to notice other guys... You both look amazing."
Steve kissed her cheek, "Seriously Rain you look amazing."
"Well wait till you see what's underneath." Rain grinned.
Bucky ran a hand up her back nipping her ear, "Suddenly I feel like skipping dinner."
Rain laughed, "Not a chance mister. I was promised a date night out."
Bucky grinned, "A promise is a promise."
Steve chuckled, "Come on or we'll miss our dinner reservation."

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