Saving Rain

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Steve, Bucky and their trusted people [Nat Sam Clint and Matt] landed in Prague 2 days after Zemo took Rain.
A dark haired man followed by a tall blonde man met them as they deboarded their plan, "Captain Rogers and Mr. Barnes I presume?"
The dark hair man greeted.
Steve took his hand, "Are you agent Laufeyson?"
He smiled, "Call me Loki. This is my partner Thor Odinson."
Thor shook both men's hands, "We've tracked Zemo to his family's villa where he seems to be setting up for an intimate affair."
Bucky swallowed, "Any signs of a girl? Dark hair blue eyes about 5'6/5'7 curvy?"
Thor and Loki exchanged a look. Loki sighed, "Yes... We received the photo of Rain Creek. She has been seen going in, but not going out."
Thor pointed on a blue print to a tower, "We have an agent on the inside who has assured us that Miss Creek is well."
Steve looked up, "How many men?"
Loki pointed out several locations, "There is a guard at these intervals they switch out every 6 hours. Then inside there is about 5 guys who wander."
Thor handed out waters, "Agent Belova gives an estimated guess of 20 to 30 now that the date of the..."
Everyone paused. Matt tapped his cane, "So they increased security expecting trouble?"
Loki smiled, "It seems the trouble is Miss Creek. She attempted an escape."
Matt smiled, "That sounds like Rainy."
Thor sat back, "I understand the idea of bringing these trained people, but I'm not sure I get the blind man."
Steve shook his head, "He's a lawyer."
Matt smirked, "I'm a very good lawyer."
Loki laughed, "I hope you are. Agent Belova is due to contact us in 15 minutes to give us an update."
Nat leaned against a wall, "Is that Yelena Belova?"
Loki nodded, "Are you her American sister?"
Nat nodded.
Matt tilted his head, "Can Yelena pass a message?"
Roxie didn't trust this Lena Zemo had working for him. She seemed too happy.
Lena sighed and sat beside Rain, "I made Macaroni. You should eat some. It's so good."
Lena took a fork full and did an airplane to Rain's mouth, "Not even a bite? My momma said you should never be sad on an empty tummy. When did you last eat Rain Creek?"
Rain shrugged, "I don't know... Maybe a few days ago."
Roxie rolled her eyes, "Look Rain-"
Rain shot up and charged her, "I don't want to hear a fucking word Roxie. You were my friend... You... You took me away from my home."
Lena smiled, "Oo Roxie that wasn't very nice. I need hot sauce."
Roxie tried not to show fear, "I'll go get it. I need air."
Watching her leave Lena sat beside Rain, "You know I like you. You remind of flowers do you like roses or daisies?"
Rain let her tears fall.

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