Steve and Bucky chuckled as Matt and Foggy reluctantly made there way to the kitchen.
Rain yelled, "What in the hell did you two think you were doing?!"
Foggy mumbled, "It was-"
Rain yelled back, "Of course it was Matt's idea! It's always Matt's idea! Foggy you're supposed to talk him out of dumb ideas!"
Matt smiled, "Now Rainy in my defense I just wanted to make sure that their intentions were good."
Rain stared at him, "You... Didn't... Oh my god! Do you know how embarrassing that is? I haven't even got to tell them yet!"
Matt raised an eyebrow as Steve and Bucky came in snickering, "Tell us what Rain drop?"
Rain blushed, "Nothing... I'm sorry these 2-"
Steve shook his head, "Oh no... Clearly you have something to say."
Bucky grinned, "And I am betting it has something to do with the impromptu visit."
Rain threw a tea towel at Matt who easily caught, "I hate you Matthew."
Matt chuckled, "Tell you what, since Foggy and I did over step... We'll do the dishes so you and your men can chat."
Foggy moaned, "Why you dragging me into this?"
Rain pouted, "You better not eat all my cookies. They were for Steve and Bucky."
Matt tilted his head, "Rain I know how you bake. I bet you already have 3 or 4 containers."
Rain sighed, "You aren't out of the dog house."
Matt grinned, "I know sweet pea."
Rain hugged him the Foggy, "Don't let him steal a thing of cookies."
Foggy smiled, "I'll try."
Rain motioned Steve and Bucky out, "Foggy washes! Matt you leave gunk on the dishes."
Matt chuckled at Foggy's groan."
Rain left the kitchen with Steve and Bucky and headed to the big room, "I'm really sorry about them."
Steve brought her into his arms and kissed her deeply, "They just care about you."
Bucky stood behind her and nibbled her ear, "Now... What were you gonna tell us?"
Rain let her body sink into her men, "I had a big plans for telling you, and they went and messed it up."
Both men laughed, "Tell us Rain..."
Rain stepped out from between them so she could see both of them.
"I... I've been here a month... It's why I made cookies."
Steve smiled, "Has it been a month already?"
Bucky blinked, "Shit... We should have gotten you flowers."
Rain shook her head, "No... That's not why... Damn it I am messing this up!"
Rain took a deep breath, "Steven Rogers and James Barnes I... I..."
Rain closed her eyes, "I am in love with you both. You make me feel safe like I matter and a whole lot of other things I can't explain with out sounding crazy or dumb."
Bucky reached for her first and kissed her deeply, "Oh baby girl..."
Steve slid her from his arms, "You don't sound crazy or dumb. I think I can speak for us both when I say we love you too."
Rain looked up, "You do?"
Bucky nodded, "Yeah we do."
Rain kissed Steve then Bucky. Both men began to nibble on her like a sweet treat. A knock on the wall made the trio look up, "I apologize for interrupting, but I ordered pizza."
Rain giggled, "Let me guess Foggy was to chicken to come tell us."
Matt grinned, "Well I'm already blind so seeing my best friend making out with her boyfriends won't scar me."
Steve stole a quick kiss, "Come on Matt; we'll get Foggy and I'll give you guys a tour."
Bucky chuckled, "Come here... I need a few more kisses."
Rain giggled as Bucky kissed her.

The Rose and Dagger
RomanceShe's not what she seems to be. Rain is a quite shy librarian with a dark secret and past she is trying to out run. Steve Rogers and his partner James "Bucky" Barnes run everything from Brooklyn to Queens. You can't pick a pocket without paying dues...