As the trio walked down the stairs Rain saw 2 people waiting for them. One was a woman who could have been a model with deep red hair and a look that said she could kill you and never break a nail; the other was a man just as good looking with a close to the scalp hair cut. Rain thought he looked like a young Eddie Murphy.
The man grinned, "There she is the brawler from the bookstacks." The man leaned in and looked at the black eye and split lip, "Damn they got you good girl."
The woman elbowed him hard, "Excuse Sam he doesn't have a filter."
Rain shyly kept her head low hiding her face.
Bucky smacked Sam upside the head. Sam frowned, "Ow! What the hell!"
Steve sighed, "Rain this is Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson; 2 of my very best people. They'll take you to your apartment so you can get your things."
Sam gave a stunning smile, "I was there last night and I would not want to be on your bad side."
Rain smiled, "Thanks."
Natasha softly smiled, "It's nice to meet you
Rain returned the greeting, "Thank you both for... Well babysitting me today."
Steve shook his head, "They aren't your babysitters Rain."
Sam laughed. Nat chuckled, "That's right. We're just new friends hanging out helping you move right Sam."
Sam nodded his head, "Yep."
Bucky shook his head, "Hopefully the Stark meeting won't last all day."
Steve faced Rain, "We'll see you tonight."
He gave a run down of everything to them before hugging Rain good bye. Bucky winked, "Be good."
Rain rolled her eyes, but smiled.
Rain sat in the back cracking as Sam kept her laughing. Nat drove shaking her head, "Is this your building Rain?"
Rain smiled, "Yeah it is."
Parking they walked with you in between them like good body guards.
Sam touched your elbow, "Rain do you know those 2?"
Rain looked up as a blonde man and a brunette man began waving at them. Grinning Rain nodded, "I do."
The blonde bent his head to tell the brunette something. Rain took a breathe as they met them at the bottom of the stairs, "Foggy what are you and Matt doing here?"
Foggy's eyes went wide, "What are we doing here? Rain what happened to you?"
Matt put a hand on Foggy, "Rain you missed your check in call last night."
Rain felt terrible for making her friends worry, "Shit! I totally forgot. Uncle sent some guys to the library and well..."
Matt smiled, "Is that where your new friends came from?"
Matt used his probing cane to point Nat and Sam.
Rain smiled, "Actually yeah. Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson I'd like you to meet my childhood friends Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock."
Foggy nervous waved, "Hi."
Matt sighed, "Rainy are things coming up roses or daisies?"
Rain smiled. The question was code. He was asking if she was safe, "Everything is coming up roses. Nat and Sam are going to help gather some things and take me to a safe house...of sorts."
Matt smiled, "Ok... You 2 take care of my girl."
Nat licked her lips, "Once we get her all settled maybe you can pay a visit."
Matt tilted his head, "Why Miss Romanoff it would be a pleasure."
Foggy rolled his eyes, "I can't take you anywhere without you flirting with every attractive woman in a 10 block radius."
Matt grinned, "My apologies. Rain stay safe and check in regular ok?"
Rain hugged him, "I will. I am sorry I can't tell you where I am staying. It'll be safer for you."
Foggy hugged her, "Don't worry bout us ok; just don't hire another law firm."
Rain wiped at her eyes, "Never. I'll call in a few days."
Foggy and Matt said their good byes.
Sam asked, "What was with roses and dasies question?"
Rain lead them up the stairs, "It's our code phrase. If everything is ok and safe the answer is roses like the song from Gypsy. If everything is not ok and there is danger the answer is daisies like the expression when you're dead you're pushing up daisies."
Nat leaned against the wall as Rain grabbed her already packed go bag along with a few other things like her old glasses. "That's pretty smart, but what could a blind lawyer do?"
Rain grinned, "Matt holds a black belt in most marital arts and a red belt in Judo and Jui Jitsu."
Nat made a face, "Good looking and dangerous. Is he single?"
Rain exchanged a look with Sam who rolled his eyes and laughed, "Yes, but he goes through women like water through a holey cup."
Nat grinned wider, "Good he's not looking for a long term thing."
Sam sighed, "I'm heart broken Nat we could have something special."
Nat kissed his cheek, "You know I don't date coworkers."
Rain chuckled, "Ok I think that's everything."
Sam grabbed the bags as Rain locked up.

The Rose and Dagger
Storie d'amoreShe's not what she seems to be. Rain is a quite shy librarian with a dark secret and past she is trying to out run. Steve Rogers and his partner James "Bucky" Barnes run everything from Brooklyn to Queens. You can't pick a pocket without paying dues...