Matt Murdock and his law partner Foggy Nelson sat in the waiting lounge of Steve Rogers' office.
"Rain is gonna be pissed when she finds out we're here." Foggy fidgeted next to him
Matt sighed, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
The woman at the desk answered a ringing phone. Matt closed his eyes. Foggy was right; Rain was going to be furious.
He smiled, "Foggy you remember meeting Rain for the first time?"
Foggy chuckled, "Yeah... She was sitting all alone by the fence reading and you decided you had to just say hi."
Matt smirked, "Well she looked cute in the uniform."
Foggy shook his head, "Rafe Allen thought so too."
Foggy and Matt both snickered. Matt tapped his cane, "Rafe apparently also didn't know what no was."
Foggy nodded, "Never saw a girl swing back like that; knocked him flat out."
Matt agreed, "Good thing we were there. His cronies were itching for a fight."
The woman at the desk walked toward them, "Mr. Rogers can see you now."
Standing Matt took Foggy's elbow as he followed the woman.
Steve sat at his desk as Bucky worked at a nearby table. It was a busy Monday.
"Hey Buck can you make a note to check on Club Galaxy."
Bucky looked up, "Yeah. How come?"
Steve sat back, "Just routine. It's one of our newer places and I wanna make sure they're following our guidelines and standards. They added ladies' night; so the male dancers have to be over 21 and just like the ladies aren't being forced or coerced."
Bucky chuckled, "Ever the boy scout."
Steve shook his head, "Shut up jerk."
A knock on the interrupted the banter, "Enter!" Steve called out.
The door opened and the woman showed in Matt and Foggy, "Mr. Rogers this is Matt Murdock and his law partner Franklin Nelson."
Steve stood, "Thank you Laura."
Steve motioned the men to his office couch, "Welcome to my office this is my business partner James Barnes."
Bucky came over and shook hands with them, "How can we help you today?"
Sitting down there was an odd silence. Matt tapped his cane out of nerves, "I am going to assume that you know who we are."
Steve chuckled, "Rain talked about you. Said you're like family to her."
Foggy blushed, "She is a really good friend and client."
Matt smirked, "One of our first actually."
Steve raised an eyebrow, "Is this a professional visit then?"
Matt leaned forward, "Rain... Does not know we're here; when she finds out she'll probably kick our asses."
Foggy sighed, "She's scary when mad."
Steve and Bucky smiled and agreed.
Matt smiled, "Rain is one of the kindest people I know. She goes out of her way to help everyone."
Bucky licked his lips, "She told you about us; didn't she?"
Matt tilted his head, "All 3 of you yes. Her heart has enough love for both of you."
Steve sat forward, "We know. We are very lucky to have her."
Foggy sat up straight, "If I may speak candidly... Rain is like a sister and if you make her happy that's all we care about."
Matt nodded, "See... We just want to make sure she is going to be safe. It took a long time to convince her to walk away from her uncle and..."
Steve cut him off, "I promise you Rain will never go back even if she chose to leave us."
Bucky swallowed the lump in his throat, "We'll always protect her."
Satisfied both lawyers exchanged quiet words. Matt stood, "Then if there is anything we can just let us know."
The four shook hands when Laura knocked again followed by a tall blad man with an eye patch, "Sir I'm sorry to interrupt, but-"
The man stepped in, "I can speak for myself, Steve Rogers James Barnes we need to chat... Now."
Matt sighed, "Director Fury this wouldn't happen to be about Rain Creek would it?"
"How the hell would you know that Murdock?" Fury put his hands on his hips, "Lucky guess."
Steve looked confused, "What is going on? What is this about?"
Fury sighed, "Wilson Fisk believes you kidnapped and are holding his niece against her will."
Bucky shook his head, "That son of a-"
Matt smiled, "I assure you my client is not being held against her will."
Foggy got out his phone, "We can call her now if you'd like."
Steve smiled. He liked both these men and decided he might just hire their firm, "Director Fury I have a better idea. Would you like to see Rain yourself?"
Fury smiled, "Yes. Thank you. Shall we go now?"
Rain stood in the kitchen mixing batter humming along to the music she had playing.
Steve's voice called out, "Rain you home?"
Excited she ran out to greet him and Bucky, "Coming!"
She stopped seeing Matt and Foggy, "Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?"
She hugged her friends.
Steve smiled, "They came by the office to check in on things, but I have someone that would like to talk with you."
Rain looked over and noticed the man, "Hello."
He smiled, "Hello ma'am my name is Police Commissioner Director Nick Fury; can I speak with?"
Rain shrugged sure, "I was baking some cookies if you don't mind talking in the kitchen."
Rain looked back to Matt and Foggy whispering, "You're in trouble!"
Foggy and Matt both cringed. Steve and Bucky both laughed.
Nick sat at the island, "So... Your uncle reported you were kidnapped by both Rogers and Barnes. I just need to make sure that isn't the case."
Rain sighed, "Mr. Fury sir... I am not kidnapped. My uncle thinks I should marry someone I don't love... I think I should get to stay with then men who do love me."
Fury raised his eyebrow, "And those men are..."
Rain blushed, "Steve Rogers and James Barnes."
Fury chuckled, "Ok... Do me a favor and call your uncle. Tell him your choice."
He shrugged, "He might not listen, but you'll feel good for it."
Rain grinned and handed him a cookie, "I'll think about it."
Fury took the cookie, "Mm good cookie Miss Creek."
Fury left the kitchen, "Ok Rogers you're in the clear. I'll do my best, but you might to keep an eye out." He finished the cookie, "Damn good cookie. I'll see myself out."
From the kitchen Rain called out, "Matthew Michael Murdock and Franklin Percy Nelson!"
Foggy and Matt froze, "Shit we are so so dead."

The Rose and Dagger
RomanceShe's not what she seems to be. Rain is a quite shy librarian with a dark secret and past she is trying to out run. Steve Rogers and his partner James "Bucky" Barnes run everything from Brooklyn to Queens. You can't pick a pocket without paying dues...