Rain relaxed and let herself enjoy the night. She felt as if maybe the world was looking bright.
Steve danced with Rain, "You look so amazing tonight. I can't wait to get you home... As a matter of fact let's leave now."
Rain giggled, "We only just got here."
Steve tsked, "Fine..."
He bent his head and kissed her deeply.
Bucky swallowed his drink and made his way over, "Might I have this next dance?"
Steve grinned kissing Rain once more before handing her to Bucky.
Bucky pulled her closer, "Rain how is it you go about your day looking so beautiful and then boom you turn into a goddess?"
Rain blushed, "Really?"
Bucky kissed her, "Baby girl it is taking sheer will power not to find a dark corner to defile you in."
Rain swallowed, "Oh my."
Bucky chuckled and lead her off the dance floor over to Steve who was talking to Ben Parker and his wife May.
Rain hugged May and and exchanged brief small talk before she felt the call of nature, "Pardon me. I gotta go powder my nose."
She gave both Steve and Bucky a kiss on the cheek and went to the ladies room.
Zemo followed her to the bathroom and waited.
When she came out he came behind her placing a knife against her side, "Stay very quiet my little maus. We are going to leave and if you behave... No one will get hurt."
Rain swallowed a lump in her throat as Zemo began to lead her away.
Zemo kept to the edge of the party guests blending in.
Rain looked back seeing her men talking to someone. Zemo noticed and felt anger rise, "You belong to me Rain Lynn do not pine for others."
Rain felt defeated.
Ben Parker had witnessed Zemo snatch up Rain and went to intercede, "Miss Creek! There you are!"
He gently pulled her away from Zemo who was caught off guard, "I was just talking to Steve about increasing the library funding of after school programs...."
As he talked he put himself between her and Zemo, "Run."
He pushed Rain and turned on Zemo, "I don't think you were invited."
Rain stumbled and tried to make it towards Steve and Bucky, but was caught by a familiar face, "Hello Rain."
She looked and saw Roxie, her uncle's assistant.
Zemo sighed, "I didn't want to draw attention to myself, but I guess I will have to.
Ben readied for a fight, but he wasn't as young as he use to be. Zemo stabbed him then made his way to Roxie who had Rain, "Quickly before we're made again."
Ben staggered his way to Steve and Bucky who were talking with Tony. Ben reached for Steve when he fell, "Rain... Taken..."
Tony yelled for security and help as Steve carefully lowered Ben to the ground.
Steve looked up, "Bucky..."
The man was already running seeing Zemo and an unknown female dragging Rain away.
Tony looked to Steve, "Go. I'll make sure he gets to a hospital."
Steve nodded and followed.
Zemo had made it to the elevator with a struggling Rain.
Roxie restrained her, "God damn it! Sadate her already!"
Zemo injected her with a drug that nearly instantly had her slumped over in his arms.
Stepping off the elevator they made it to a waiting car.
Bucky and Steve took the stairs and burst through the door in time to see Zemo with Rain zoom past.
"Get everyone now. We're getting our girl back."
Steve demanded. Bucky froze broken hearted.
Steve shook him, "Buck! I need you to pull it together! We're going to get her back!"
Bucky blinked then pulled his phone out to make the calls.
Zemo drove straight to the airport and a waiting private jet, "Fisk is everything ready?"
Wilson Fisk nodded taking his drugged niece on to the plane, "We're cleared to leave right away."
Rain tried to push her uncle, "No no go." She slurred.
Fisk brushed a few strands of hair away, "It's for the best little one. Zemo will be a good husband for you."
Rain felt the drug's full effects hitting her as tears ran down her cheeks and darkness covered her.

The Rose and Dagger
RomanceShe's not what she seems to be. Rain is a quite shy librarian with a dark secret and past she is trying to out run. Steve Rogers and his partner James "Bucky" Barnes run everything from Brooklyn to Queens. You can't pick a pocket without paying dues...