She's not what she seems to be. Rain is a quite shy librarian with a dark secret and past she is trying to out run.
Steve Rogers and his partner James "Bucky" Barnes run everything from Brooklyn to Queens. You can't pick a pocket without paying dues...
Rain followed Nat into a high end dress shop, "Nat... I don't think they'll have anything in my size..." Nat turned and raised an eyebrow, "I'm not letting you attend the biggest party New York will see in anything less than high fashion." Rain rolled her eyes, "Nat I need you to look at me then look at everyone else around... Do you see the difference?" Nat looked and saw people gossiping behind their hands, "Yeah these bitches need a sandwich." A sales lady wandered over, "Miss Romanoff how can we dress you today?" Nat smiled, "Not me; my little sister here is attending Pepper Pots birthday party with her gentlemen companions and needs a new dress fitting the occasion." The sales lady squinted, "Little? She's your little sister" Rain frowned at the woman's dismissive tone, "We don't really cater to ah Women of her build, but for you Miss Romanoff-" The saleslady turned and Nat sighed, "Come on Rainy dear. We won't be spending a dime here." The saleslady turned back chasing after Nat, "But-" Nat spun quickly, "You can tell Exa that until they start catering to women of my sister's build that I and any affiliated with the Rogers or Barnes companies won't be spending a cool red cent here." The saleslady paled even more. Rain turned her head and gave the woman the bird as they walked away. A timid woman approached them as Nat plotted where to try next. "Excuse me... Ah my name is Tomako and I own a small boutique and we do cater to women of our build. Me and my partner design and make all the clothes. I over heard... And well..." Rain smiled and tilted her head, "Did you design this outfit?" Tomako blushed, "No my partner Andrew did. The shop is just across the court. It's called Bold and Beautiful or BB for short." Tomako introduced them to Andrew who was thrilled to show them what they had. Nat picked out several dresses for Rain to try. Both Tomako and Andrew were helpful without talking down. Nat smirked, "You're both talented." Tomako blushed and Andrew tilted his head, "You know with enough notice we can do custom orders." Nat winked, "I'll keep it in mind." "Nat... I think..." Rain called out stepping out in a dress Tomako picked.
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I really like this one. What do you think?" Rain twirled. Nat smiled, "That's the one." Tomako blushed as Andrew rung up their purchases.[ a matching hand bag and a necklace and earring set Nat just had to have for herself.] Andrew smiled, "Now tell everybody about BB." 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀 Rain curled her hair and finished up her make up. Her men were gonna need drool bibs. 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹 Steve watched as the love of his life came down the stairs and his heart stopped. She was an angel. Bucky swore he forgot to breathe as Rain came down to meet them. She looked... Perfect. "Hi." Rain's voice was soft and shy. Steve slipped her into his arms and kissed her putting all of his love into it. Rain blinked and smiled up at him. Bucky; not to be out done[or forgotten] chuckled, "This is how you kiss our girl Rogers." Bucky took her into his arms spun her around so Rain was facing Steve; who smiled and winked at her. Bucky slowly began to nibble her ear and whispered delightfully dirty naughty things to her as her kissed the pulse point on her neck. Rain gave a coo/moan as he drew his teeth over the spot. He turned her to face him and claimed her mouth completely leaving her slightly dizzy. Steve walked over as they parted, "Will definitely keep that in mind, but we do need to go." Rain giggled and kissed both men again, "Well then we'll have to explore kissing techniques tonight." 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀 When they arrived Rain felt a bit nervous as a few faces that mingled about she recalled from her uncle's business affairs. Steve and Bucky were always close by her side. Tony and Pepper came up, "Gentlemen thank you for coming... And Miss Creek my favorite librarian you look stunning." Rain hugged Tony then Pepper, "Thank you and Happy birthday Pepper." Pepper grinned, "I got your card and I love the little trinket bracelet." They exchanged small talk for a few minutes before they got pulled away. Steve kissed her cheek, "How do you know Pepper and Tony?" Rain chuckled, "Pepper is on the historical society that runs the library. I met her first and we just clicked. Then I met Tony and well you know Tony." Bucky leaned over and stole a kiss, "Rain my love I do believe we were destined to find you somehow someway." 🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡🥀🌹🥀🌹🥀🌹🌹🥀🥀 A shadowy figure stalked the fringes of the party waiting. A lion stalking his prey. Zemo knew his moment was coming.