Pizza and beers

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The four people sat around the big room eating and laughing, "I swear I am not lying!" Rain giggled, "Matt had the whole class convinced he was bitten by a radioactive bat that gave him powers of echo location."
Steve and Bucky had doubled over laughing, "And you seriously chose "Bat Man" as your super hero name?"
Matt blushed, "In my defense I was 13."
Foggy shook his head, "I tried to get him to choose something cooler like dare devil, but he said Bat Man made more sense."
Rain stood gathering up some of the empty bottles and pizza boxes, "Any one need anything while I am up?"
A round of No's echoed and she left.
Foggy looked at their hosts, "You guys are good for her. I haven't seen her this happy in a while."
Steve smiled and Bucky took a swig of his beer. "She deserves it."
Steve cleared his throat, "So... Did either of you..."
Foggy side eyed Matt. Matt had a blush raise to his cheeks, "Ah... Rain and I are what she likes to call platonic soul mates..."
Steve nodded looking at Bucky who seemed to be lost in thought, "So you two never..."
Matt nervously laughed, "As far as I know I was her first and only until you 2... We had our night it was a good night, but it wasn't love."
Rain came back, "I brought in some cookies."
Rain went to sit in her spot, but was pulled into Bucky's lap, "Bucky!" She giggled and cuddled into him.
Matt chuckled, "Trust me Barnes; you and Rogers are both lucky men."
Steve took Rain's hand and kissed her palm, "That we are Murdock that we are."
After about an hour or so Matt and Foggy left. Rain turned to her men, "Thank you for tonight."
She kissed them both, "I'm going to shower before heading to bed."
Steve smiled, "I have a few business emails to answer."
Rain nodded noticing Bucky was quiet, "Oh ok guys don't stay up too late."
They watched her walk up the stairs. Steve turned to his friend, "She chose us you know."
Bucky nodded still debating why a sweet innocent girl like Rain Creek would pick a life with him.
Steve sighed, "Bucky... Go on."
Bucky looked at him a bit confused.
Steve walked him to the stairs, "Go up there and claim her."
Bucky looked unsure, "What if she doesn't..."
Steve heaved a sigh, "Of course she does you bucket head! She's so head over heels in love with you that even I get jealous and I know she loves me as much as I love her."
Bucky gave a sad smile, "It was never like this with Carter. I never felt this... I don't know..."
Steve hugged him, "I know what you mean and how you feel. Rain... Rain is amazing. So get your ass up there and tell her... Before I change my mind and make you answer the work emails."
Bucky nodded and headed up the stairs, "I am going. Thanks Steve."
Steve smiled and headed into the big room to work.

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