Jump&I'll catch you

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Steve smiled as Bucky tried to guess what Rain was miming, "Ah... 3 musketeers... No... Ah..."
Steve busted out laughing calling, "Time!"
Rain playfully elbowed him, "En garde! I was fencing!"
Bucky blushed, "Sorry doll."
Rain rolled her eyes. Her phone rang and she reached for it, "Hello?"
On the other line was Matt, "Hey Rain... Can you talk?"
Rain climbed over Steve and Bucky and stepped to the far side of the big room, "Yeah what's up?"
Matt heaved a heavy sigh, "I found out why your uncle suddenly wants you to return home."
Rain paled, "Ok... Hit me."
Matt blew a breath out, "He's setting you up to be married off to a foreign noble... A Helmut Zemo."
Rain felt dizzy; she knew that name, "Matt are you certain?"
Rain could hear the shuffle of paper, "Well according to page 9..."
Rain turned to see both Steve and Bucky watching her, "Thanks for calling... I need to-"
Matt cut her off, "Rain... I am here to help. Me& Foggy both."
"I know Matt... Thanks."
Matt said good bye and Rain hung up. Nervous she twiddled her fingers, "Ah... That was my friend Matt... Ah... Mmm I... Fuck... My uncle just put an engagement notice for me and Barron Helmut Von Zemo out... I need to- I swear I never was..."
Both men went to her side. Steve kissed her temple as Bucky wrapped a blanket around her, "We know baby girl. I found out that it was a reason why your uncle wanted you back, but I wasn't sure."
Rain looked to Steve stunned, "Why not tell me."
Bucky turned her head to face him, "We didn't want you panicked; we wanted solid proof."
Steve rested his head on hers, "We didn't know he put it in the paper."
Slipped from them, "I met Zemo a few times; he has a sad tale, but..."
Rain looked up at both men and gave a nervous laugh, "I grew up around bad guys. I mean even you two have to admit you're no angels, but Zemo scares me."
Tears formed in her eyes. Steve went to her and tilted her chin up, "Rain; you will not go to him. You... You belong right her with me and Bucky."
Steve kissed her slowly and deeply claiming her mouth.
Bucky walked up beside them and took Rain's hand pulling her to him as Steve parted from her, "Rain you're ours and we won't let go without a fight."
Bucky kissed her slow savorying her. His hands skimmed up her sides, "Rain..."
Rain's eyes had darkened with desire, "If this were one of Steve's romance books this would be the part you both offer to show me how much I belong to you."
Steve traced a hand up her side, "Is that what you want Rain? Do you want us to show you how much you belong here with us?"
Rain blinked and bit her lower lip, "I... I do, but... I'm not very experienced..."
Bucky smiled, "Well... We can change that."
Rain giggled, "Lucky me."
Steve took a second to savor the victory, "I think we're the lucky ones right Buck?"
Bucky nodded, "Very."
Rain stepped away from them and began walking away, "What are you doing standing there? I think we should take this upstairs."
Both men chuckled, "Oh... You'll pay for that Rainy."

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