The Big Event

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Sharon Carter reared her head one more time before getting the hint.
"I'm here to see Steve and Bucky."
Laura looked up, "Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes are not taking appointments."
She rolled her eyes and moved toward the door.
Laura jumped up and blocked her path, "What part of No didn't you understand?"
Carter tried to push pass her, "Let me through."
Laura chuckled and using Nat's patterned move got her in an arm bar, "Listen here you two bit hussy..."
And that's how security found them. Clint walked through the doors just in time to see it all, "Feel better Sweetie?"
Laura sighed then smiled, "Yes."
Steve sat in his office going over some papers when a knock sounded on his door, "Enter."
Laura stepped in, "There's a courier from Stark Industries with a letter."
Steve sighed, "Can you sign for it?"
Laura smiled, "It's Peter Parker. He was told to see you personally."
Shaking his head Steve sat back, "Send the kid in."
Peter nervous entered, "Thanks. Sorry to bother Mr. Rogers sir, but Ton- Mr. Stark that is said I had to hand this to you and to tell you..." Peter looked at his notes, "That you should bring... Awe geeze Mr. Rogers I can't say what he has written..."
Steve chuckled knowing Tony it was probably something crude about his relationship, "Just give me the thing kid."
Peter handed it over, "How's Miss Creek? She's been missed at the library can you tell her I said hi?"
Steve looked up and smiled, "Sure thing. Tell Ben I'll call him in a few days and tell Tony next time to come say this(he held up the note Peter was supposed to read)to me in person."
Peter nodded, "Yes sir. Have a good day."
Peter rushed out as Bucky came in, "Where's he off to?"
Steve chuckled and told him showing him the note, "Let me hit him Steve... Not hard just[he mimed a hit]."
Steve shook his head and opened the envelope Peter delivered, "We've been invited to Pepper's birthday."
Bucky smiled, "Ooo do you think Rain'll need a shopping trip?"

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