The proposal

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Rain felt oddly comfortable at the breakfast table. Steve sat at the head of the table and Bucky to his right. Rain sat to the left. She swallowed the last of her juice and decided to rip the band aid off of the happy bubble quickly, "Thank you both for last night. I am not sure I could have gotten out."
Bucky gave a nod and Steve tried smiling, "You had them on the run."
Rain blushed, "Maybe. I shouldn't take up more of your time though. I need to grab my go bag from my apartment and get out of town."
Both men frowned. Steve wiped his mouth with his napkin and sat forward, "About that..."
Bucky leaned back, "Your uncle sent men into what amounts to enemy territory to claim something he didn't have a right to."
Steve shot a look to his friend as if to say "really?" Heaving a sigh Steve looked to Rain who began to pale and grip her utensils as if readying to defend herself, "That said... I am going to send 2 of my best people with you to collect anything you may need from your place and I would like for you to consider staying here for awhile."
Rain tried to remain calm as she plotted an escape. Her heart was breaking that they'd might use her as a chip in bargaining with her uncle, "And if I don't want to?"
Steve sighed; he was going to beat the hell out of Bucky later, "My people have orders to take you to the nearest airport and buy you a ticket any where in the world you want."
Rain relaxed a little, "Why would you want me to stay here? What's the gimmick?"
Bucky sat forward, "Sweetheart it's simple here is the safest place."
Steve put a hand on Bucky's arm, "Bucky means to say that we want to help you come up with a good plan to stay safe. I have a lot of contacts places and I am sure with a plan we can keep you safe; you have to realize though Fisk... He's going to know people too and though I am sure you're more than capable of handling yourself you don't have to do this alone."
Rain stared at them. They weren't trying to keep her prisoner, "What's this help gonna cost me?"
Bucky snickered, "Well..."
Steve turned and faced Bucky, "Stop teasing her. Can't you see she's scared."
Bucky's humor dropped when he noticed Rain's grip on her knife, "Fuck Doll... I didn't mean... I am just nervous myself."
Rain lifted her eyes and saw the truth in his face she eased her grip.
Steve shook his head, "Honey my offer of help doesn't come with a price tag, but it isn't going to be simple. Like my dumb ass friend said earlier your uncle could have reached out to us said he was looking for you; instead he sent men into my territory to one of my safe places and committed violence. That can't be ignored."
Rain tensed as he continued, "I swear we will not use you like a pawn your uncle might think your are, but this might bleed over on to you as you're running and I'd like to prevent that if possible."
Rain thought about it and put her potential weapon down, "If I stay I'd like to earn my keep. I can help the cleaning staff or help in the kitchen. I'd offer my office skills, but I'm not naïve enough to think you'd trust an enemy's niece for that."
Steve and Bucky chuckled. Steve shrugged, "You don't have to do anything love."
Rain blushed at the pet name, "I'd like to. I am not one to sit around."
Steve exchanged a look with Bucky who smiled cheekily. Sighing Steve laughed, "Kitchen crew is only here for breakfast so if you wanna do lunch and dinners. I'll ask the cleaners to take some time off. They only come once a week any how."
Rain grinned, "Alright then Mr. Rogers we have a deal."
Rain put out her hand for Steve to take. He grinned and took it, "That we do Miss Creek."

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