Nice day for a white wedding

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Rain tried to hold back tears as her uncle handed her hand to Zemo and the priest had them kneel and begin to pray in Latin.
A friar came up and gave a communion wafer to Rain. She looked up and saw familiar icy blue eyes. Her heart beat faster.
Another friar came up and offered her communion wine; again familiar light blue eyes stared back at her.
She began to tremble. Zemo noticed and tried to comfort her, "Do not be scared my little maus..."
Rain only nodded.
The priest gave his sermon on the power of true and how it could move moutians.
Zemo felt as if he had that power. He looked over to Rain and saw how beautiful she looked in her veil and dress. He imagined the wedding night and had to force himself to focus.
The priest moved to the exchanging of vows, "Barron Helmut Von Zemo do..."
Rain stared at the flowers tuning out the priest; Roxie who was a bridesmaid, had to nudge her when the priest asked if she did.
Rain looked up and swallowed and gave just the tiniest head nod.
The priest gave a sad nod in reply, "If there is anyone who objects to this-"
One of the friars raised his voice, "I object."
Rain looked up to see the friars pull back their hoods and the nun pull off her habit.
The priest pulled Rain up, "Time to make a run."
Stunned Zemo made a grab for Rain, but was met with Lena pulling a gun then punching him, "No I don't think so."
Nat punched Roxie when she went to yank Rain back.
Steve and Bucky raced to her as Rain ran to them.
Fisk charged over but was met with a meaty fist from a tall blonde Rain hadn't met.
The priest ushered the reunited lovers through the back as interpol agents swept in.
Steve had wanted to pull Rain up from the alter the moment she knelt. He could see the dark shadows under her eyes and hated Zemo and Fisk for taking her away.
Bucky held his breath. He didn't know if he could be close to Rain and not pull her into him. Giving her the communion wafer as she knelt stirred dark thoughts in him.
Loki explained the plan before everyone left, "I'll go in as the priest. Miss Romanoff you'll be our sweet singing sister and you 3 along with Thor will be the friars helping me. Mr. Wilson Mr. Murdock you'll be waiting in the van."
Loki took a breath, "When I ask if any one objects that's your cue and the other interpol agents will come in and start arresting people."
Steve sat back, "I don't know if I can..."
Loki looked at him, "If you can't tell me now. Same goes for you Mr. Barnes. I need you to hold the line until given the signal."
Steve exchanged a look with Bucky, "We can do this."
Steve pushed Rain into a waiting van before jumping in behind her and followed by Bucky.
Rain turned and kissed him deeply, "I can't believe you came for me."
Rain nearly climbed over Steve to kiss Bucky, "You both came for me."
Bucky pulled her over Steve and put her in the middle of them, "We would never leave you baby girl."
Steve rested his head on the back of her head, "We told you no one is taking you from us with out a fight."
Rain let herself cry, "I'm sorry."
Steve kissed her cheek, "You have nothing to be sorry for love."
Rain wiped her eyes, "Did Ben... Did he..."
Bucky brushed her tears away, "Ben is fine. He's still recovering in the hospital, but he's ok."
Rain started to cry harder as Steve and Bucky comforted her.
The van drove them to a safe house where Sam and Matt waited.
Rain seeing her friend ran into him, "You're safe Rainy."

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