Much ado bout nothing

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Steve sat in his office. He decided to drop the goons off outside one of Fisk's buildings.
Bucky wanted to send a message, Steve talked him out of it, "We say more with less."
Bucky shook his head and sighed, "Ok boss."
Sipping his coffee Bucky came in with a young woman with maroon hair, "Wanda thanks for getting the job done quick."
Wanda shyly smiled, "No problem Steve. Pietro said it was important. Where would you like to start?"
Bucky sat back, "Start with this Matt Murdock."
Wanda handed him the first file, "Matt Murdock was blinded in childhood after pushing a man out of the way of an out of control truck. Apparently it contained toxic waste that split on to him when it crashed. His father was
Jack Murdock."
Bucky sat up, "The prize fighter?"
Wanda nodded her head, "The one and the same. He was famously or rather infamously killed by the Marcomie Brothers when refused to throw a fight."
Wanda handed them the next file, "That left Matt an orphan at the age of 16. His best friend's family took him in. Franklin "Foggy" Nelson is Matt's law partner. His family is fairly clean average American middle class."
Wand sighed, "Both men graduated from Harvard Law. Matt went to Columbia first; full scholarship. Foggy went to NYC first. They attended St. Jude's academy for gifted youth where they met Rain Lynn Creek when she enrolled at the age of 11."
Wanda held a third folder, "I know you didn't ask, but I ran a check on her too."
Steve raised an eyebrow' "Why did you do that?"
Wanda fiddled with her hands, "I... I was out of line, but you take good care of me and my brother; without you we couldn't have left Sokovia."
Steve sighed, "Let's see the file."
Rain Lynn Creek born November 9th 19XX to Rose Marie Fisk and Lt. Charles Michael Creek.
Born in England at Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital. Rain is the only survivor of a DUI related crash that killed both her parents.
Steve and Bucky read the file, "Rain never said there was a drunk driver."
Wanda bit her lip, "She may not have known. She was only 8 at the time and the drunk driver was her dad. She suffered broken ribs a deep cut along her femoral artery that had her nearly bleed out."
Wanda sat forward, "She was in a coma for about a week after then in a group for 4 months while they tracked down a next of kin. Wilson Fisk fought hard for full custody against Charles' family and won."
Bucky shook his head, "She was expelled from 2 schools before St. Jude's?"
Wanda smiled, "Rain had a bit of a temper and a low tolerance for bullying. The first school PS 406 expelled her after she broke the nose of a girl who dumped her food trash on her head. The second school Claymore Academy expelled her after using a broom handle to beat a group of boys who had started to bully a student who was disabled."
Steve shook his head, "And she suddenly calmed at St. Jude's?"
Wanda grinned, "No. She had several fights, but either Matt or Foggy was always there to defend her during school disciplinary hearings."
Bucky chuckled, "No wonder they became lawyers."
Wanda smiled, "Rain went to university in England at the University of York studying library sciences and history. After graduating she came back and worked for her uncle as a personal assistant until about 3 and half years ago when she showed up at the library as a part time librarian."
Steve read the file, "It says here she had a private tutor named Melina Vostokoff."
Bucky sat up, "That's Nat's mom."
Steve blinked, "Fisk hired an ex KGB agent to tutor Rain? In what?"
Nat stood in the door surprising them, "Probably fighting; language, science... Hell she might just have been a body guard labeled as tutor."
Bucky hugged his friend, "You ok?"
Nat nodded, "Yeah... Not Rain's fault mom dumped me and my sister in the red room when we reached of age."
Steve nodded sadly, "So... What's up?"
Nat sat next to Wanda, "You need to find your girl a hobby or a job."
Steve chuckled, "What do you mean?"
Nat shook her head, "Your place is cleaner than clean. When I left Rain was thinking of cleaning the gym showers."
Wanda chuckled. Bucky tilted his head, "Steve we can't let her..."
Steve was already calling Rain.
Rain was singing along to music when her phone rang, "Hey Steve what's up?"
Steve couldn't help the smile, "Rain are you cleaning the gym showers?"
Rain sat back and looked up at the tiled room, "Well..."
Steve sighed, "Baby girl you don't have to."
Rain stood, "I know, but I want to be useful. You're going out of your way to help me and... I really don't mind."
Steve rubbed his temple, "Rain... We had this talk I am helping because I can and well I like you."
Rain sat on the bench, "I still can't wrap my head around that."
Steve made eye contact with Bucky who shrugged, "I'll tell you what finish what you're doing and then Bucky and I will-"
Rain cut him off, "If you're about to say take me out don't I have a stew in the crock-pot and fresh bread rising waiting to be baked."
Steve laughed, "Ok ok in that case finish what you're doing so you can have plenty of time to get ready for a stay at home date."
Rain smiled, "Deal."
Hanging up Rain went back to scrubbing and singing.
Steve laughed, "She was cleaning the gym shower and she is making dinner...and fresh bread."
Bucky chuckled, "Oh I am wifeing her up!."
Steve stood walking Nat and Wanda out, "Not before me bucket head."

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