The Meeting

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Steve told Bucky to agree to it, but not to tell Rain, "I don't want her worrying."
Bucky nodded; he agreed, no need to cause panic for their Rain.
"Speaking of our Rain drop... Where is she?" Steve asked.
Bucky smiled, "I heard her start the shower."
Steve grinned, "I think I'll check on her while you send that message."
Rain had never seen a more lavish shower. The one in her bedroom was nice, but this was "heavan on a hat stand" to quote her favorite podcast.
As she stepped into the warm spray she didn't hear the door creek open.
Rain jumped when the shower door slid open and a very naked Steve stepped in, "I thought I could help wash your back."
Rain smiled, "I never thought to ask for help."
Rain put her arms around Steve's shoulders and stood on tip toe to kiss him. Steve relished in her touches and kisses, "Turn around let me wash your hair."
Rain did as asked. His hands felt good massaging her scalp. He rinsed her hair laying kisses down her back; he moved to her front and knelt looking up at her. She leaned against the stall wall, "Steve?"
Steve ran his hand up her thighs, "You're so beautiful..."
Standing he kissed her deeply slipping a hand between her thighs and began to tease her clit, "I want you to come undone for me Rain..."
Rain leaned back into the wall supporting herself as Steve made her knees go weak, "Oh Christ Steve.... Please..."
Steve laid a kiss on her throat where her pulse jumped, "That's right baby girl...fall for me."
The orgasm hit her like a Mac truck. Rain half clung to him and half clung to the wall. Steve gave a satisfied growl as he helped her stand and finish washing.
Rain was in a daze and didn't object, "Keep this up Rogers I may never leave." She mumble mostly to herself.
Steve kissed her as he dried her off, "That's part of my evil wicked plan."
Rain chuckled, "I knew it."
Bucky stood in the doorway, "Damn looks like I missed something good."
Both smiled, "Guess you'll have to call dibs on my next shower." Rain teased. Bucky licked his lips, "Count on it."
They reluctantly left Rain's side to go to the meeting.
Steve kissed Rain's temple, "I need Sam so I am leaving you with Nat and this is Wanda."
Bucky grinned goosing Rain then handing her his black Amex card, "Go have a fun girls' day." He kissed her lips lightly.
Nat grinned, "Mmm oh we can have so much fun."
Wanda giggled, "It's nice to meet you Rain."
Rain blushed, "Nice to meet you as well."
She faced her 2 men, "I'll see you tonight then."
Both men smiled. Steve kissed her one last time, "You can count on it."
Rain watched them leave and then faced the other 2 women, "Alright... Spa day?"
Nat looped her arm through Rain's and Wanda's, "To the Spa!"
The meet was at the most neutral place in the city; the court house.
Steve and Bucky waited in the conference room, "You know he's going to lie and paint an unpleasant picture right?"
Bucky said as he leaned against the wall.
Steve nodded sitting at the table, "Well we'll know the truth."
Fisk walked in followed by one of his men, "Gentlemen thank you for meeting me. I see you didn't bring my niece... Is she well?"
Fisk did seem genuinely concerned.
Steve sat up, "She's very well. Healing from the attempt at kidnapping her."
Fisk ground his fist, "You showed those men more mercy than I would have. I simply asked them to talk to her for me. I know she's running, scared I'd be mad at her for running, but I know she did for good reason. Please tell her she's missed."
Bucky stepped away from the wall and sat at the table with them, "And what reason did she run?"
Fisk gave a sad smile, "Rain had a stalker named Henry; best known as the Butcher of the Kitchen."
Fisk let disgust show on his face, "Rain was cornered by him and... Well I know you've seen her fight."
Steve shook his head; he was seriously trying to say Rain killed the guy.
Bucky sat forward, "Are you saying Rain killed the guy?"
Fisk made a face, "No. Rain defended herself. She came to me and told me, but she ran scared. I don't blame her. Henry was a bad man."
Steve looked to Bucky, "And you're just greatful someone stopped him."
Fisk nodded, "I want Rain to know she's safe now. I even arranged a good match for her. Barron Helmut Zemo; a family friend who she was a good repore with."
Steve tried to remain relaxed, "Rain... Is a kind soul. Are you certain Zemo is a good match."
Fisk raised an eyebrow, "It is because of her kind soul that I am looking out for her future. Rain has had it rough losing her parents when she was just a little girl."
Fisk sat ramrod straight, "Rain will come home and marry who I say end of story."
Steve stood, "Rain is not a bargaining chip for more power. She can choose her own lovers; her own future."
Fisk stepped back, "And she should what choose you a pretty boy who didn't have to earn his way to the top? I clawed my way to the top. I raised Rain's mother Rose while my parents were too busy trying to put bread on the table."
Bucky stood in front of Steve ready to defend his friend. Fisk stepped to the side, "Or maybe Rain should choose him huh? At least old Barnes here knows what's it like to have to struggle. I knew your old man James Sr. He was a no good drunk who liked to gamble and make time with the ladies. Shame he died the way he did though... Face down in the mud."
Bucky didn't say anything. Fisk was baiting him to throw a punch. He had to be better than that; not for his dead beat father, but for Rain.
Steve spoke up, "We both may be the things you accuse us of, but we all know Zemo is worse."
Fisk shook his head, "Better the devil you know?"
Fisk made his way out, "Tell Rain she needs to come home. She is my family and I do care about her."
Steve and Bucky stood a lone in the room as Fisk left, "Damn that man." Steve kicked a chair, "We're going to have to talk to Rain... Tell her we met with her uncle."
Bucky let a breath he held go, "Do you think she'd choose us?"
Steve sighed, "She already has Buck; we have to believe in that."

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