The Rose and Dagger

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Rain cuddled into Steve's chest as Bucky lazily rested on her hip tracing her tattoo, "What's the story of this?"
Rain smiled and reached for Bucky pulling him up her side to cuddle with him as well, "The Rose is for my mom; her name was Rose. The dagger for my dad. He was a lieutenant in the Marines. I remember his sword for his dress uniform was always sharp and polished."
Rain got quiet. Bucky kissed her shoulder. Steve kissed her forehead, "And the Latin?"
Rain smiled, "Ubi vita est spes est... Where there is life there is hope."
Rain lifted her head to look at Steve then sat up to look at Bucky, "I... I had anger issues after my parents died. Got in a lot of fights." Rain pulled her knees to her chest, "My uncle tried everything he could to tame it. He even encouraged my righteousness when I focused on bullies, but eventually the grief was too much..."
Steve wrapped a blanket around the three of them. Bucky kissed the top of her head, "Rain..."
Rain closed her eyes and sighed, "I climbed the bell tower of the old abandoned chapel at school late one night. I hate heights, but I pushed that out of my head as I scooted out the window."
Steve felt his heart break and held her tighter. Bucky rested his head on her shoulder unsure of what to say.
Rain wiped her eyes, "The view was beautiful. It was a dark blue sky with the stars like diamonds. I just sat there for a long time before I felt brave enough to jump."
Steve's voice was barely a whisper, "What happened?"
Rain chuckled, "I heard a meow. Somehow a kitten had gotten stuck up there. I looked over to see a snow white kitten huddled in the opposite corner all scared and knew I had to save him. I gave up my plan and rescued the poor thing and made my way down. I brought the kitten home and named him Orion. I told my friend Matt and he quoted the phrase to me; he also made me swear if I ever had that feeling again to tell him."
Rain wiped her eyes and gave in to a cry, "I balled so hard when Orion did pass away."
Bucky cradled and rocked her, "Rain please don't cry... I'll adopt a whole shelter for you."
That made Rain chuckle, "It's not necessary, but thanks."
Steve kissed her temple, "If you ever feel like that; you can talk about it to us ok?"
Rain nodded, "Thanks."
In the kitchen Gloria left a note:
Since you guys weren't up I had crew take day off and just made y'all some sweet rolls
Enjoy the day

Steve smirked as he read it and put on coffee. It had been a long while since he and Bucky had slept so late on a work day.
Last night with Rain was amazing. He was not going to let her uncle or Zemo take her away.
Bucky came into the kitchen looking serious, "Steve... We have a message."
Steve leaned against the the counter, "What is it."
Bucky sighed, "Fisk wants to talk."

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