Welcome to my Book!

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Hello beautiful reader! Welcome to my one-shot book! I am your humble author just dropping you a little welcome message before you get reading! Some notes about my writing, most of my one-shots are written as male character x female reader however I do try my best to keep them as gender neutral on the reader's part as possible but I am not the best at it, and I truly apologize for that, it is one of the things I'm working on in my current works. But when reading my past stuff I am *pardon my french* shit at it. In addition, when I open requests I will be happy to try my hand at writing for male, or specifically gender-neutral readers, and female characters if you want to throw in some requests for female characters. Throughout this book, you can see divider chapters thrown in which I think makes it easier to organize all the content and fandoms I have plans on writing for. All of these divider chapters contain lists of characters I will write for. However, this is just the list of characters I will most likely write for just on my own without being requested to write for the character (these lists are mostly just lists of my fictional character crushes and therefore it's easier for me to write for them). But the good news my writing is not limited to just those characters! If you want to see writing for other characters I will happily start writing for others, not on the list! Just leave a comment under the divider chapter for the fandom or when I open requests send me a DM if you have a specific request in mind and I will start the brainstorming process. In addition to this, I will probably revise the lists on my own from time to time, adding more characters depending on what kind of mood I'm in.  I am here to write for you guys and make your experience in these fandoms as enjoyable as possible, but remember I am only human and can only write so fast! So when leaving comments please remember to be Kind to others! No bullying, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or hate speech will be tolerated, and all unkind comments will be reviewed and deleted by me! So I hope you enjoy your time here and Happy reading! <3 

In addition to this book, I've also made a discord server for y'all to join if you wanna stay updated with me, and just hang out and make some friends within the same fandom as you! It's still in its early stages so there is not much going on, and not many people but my hope is we'll get some joiners soon! It's got separate channels for a bunch of different fandoms and there are more fandoms being added every day. I also hope to maybe host some events when enough people join, things such as a movie or show nights where we all watch something together or maybe PowerPoint nights where we can make fun powerpoints about random things and present them to each other. I'm still not completely sure what I'll do for events but if its something y'all want to see I'll do it. 

Here is the link and I look forward to seeing y'all there!

Multifandom x reader one-shots [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now