On-Screen Lovers - Joseph Quinn

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After playing the love interest of Eddie Munson on Stranger Things, you start to fall for the actor behind the character.


It was almost wrap day for you on Stranger Things. You were filming the upside down guitar scene with your co-star, Joseph Quinn, who played your on-screen boyfriend.

You sat in the wardrobe trailer, the crew were putting you in your costume. You played the character of Carrie Henderson, the older sister of Dustin Henderson and the girlfriend of Eddie Munson. The final upside down battle scene was going to be epic. Wardrobe dresses you in skin tight black leather pants, a leather jacket, and a bandana patterned button down top that tied in the front. Your hair was big and curled, and you had black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow. You looked hot and you knew it.


You were on set and the cameras were about to start rolling. You noticed your costar, Joseph, could not stop looking over at you.

You were very confused, "Do I have something on my face?"

He smiled, shaking his head,"No, uh, no. Not at all. Sorry." He seemed a little flustered. He was probably just nervous for his big guitar playing scene.

Gaten, Joseph, and I got into our places.


Your character, Carrie, had to stare and smile at Eddie while he played Master Of Puppets. It's supposed to be an emotional scene before his tragic death. She is staring at him with adoration not knowing what is going to come next.

While staring at Joseph dressed as Eddie, you never realized how much you didn't look at him. You never saw him like this and paid so much attention to his appearance. You knew he had an amazing personality and he was such a sweet soul. Getting lost in his chocolate brown eyes, you were in such a dazed, you missed the queue for your line.

After multiple retakes, you being distracted by his sudden beauty every time, you finally got it right. It basically took everything you had to not get lost in him once more.

Once filming was over, Joe told the crew he was going for a smoke break, but started to approach you. He walked you outside, where the two of you were alone.

"I'm really sorry if I was acting like a creeper towards you, I just think you look so good like this", he started to get flustered, "I mean- you always look good, that's not what I meant, no."

"Joseph. It's okay, I know what you meant." You smiled and couldn't help but blush, "but thank you. You look good yourself, in and out of character."

He smiled and looked down. His dimples were prominent, more than you have noticed before. It was very strange hearing him speak in a British accent while dressed as Eddie, but you weren't complaining.

He inched closer to you. Before you knew it, he was so close you could feel his breath on your neck. His hand suddenly made its way up your your cheek. He held your jaw in his hand, "May I?" You confidently nodded yes and he whispered, "I've been waiting all day to do this."

He leaned in closer and eventually your lips glided together. His lips fit comfortably with yours. It was a feeling that felt so new and refreshing, but so familiar and like you have known them all your life. It just quite made sense. You've kissed him before on-screen, but never when the cameras weren't rolling. It was very different.

He broke away from the kiss first, with a breathless giggle. "you quite actually took my breath away."

You giggled and gave him another kiss on the cheek. "The fans are right, you are a really good kisser."

"Well thank you. Uh, so are you" He blushed a little bit. "What are you doing after filming today?"

"I don't have anything planned. Why?"

"Would you go to dinner with me?"

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