Falling In Love - Prince Paul

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Reader is courted to marry Prince Paul and is the last one to realize that they have finally fallen for him.


"Look at you. You look quite ravishing," Paul said to you as you stood in his bedroom. You had on a light purple gown.

Being the princess, it was always easy to find new people to date, but your father was slowly becoming more invasive, demanding you get yourself a husband. He had finally had enough and set you up with Prince Paul. He knew his mother, Catherine The Great. He then arranged for the two of you to get married. You weren't exactly the bestest of friends yet, but you had known each other for a good while now. The two of you were getting ready for a party, which would be held to celebrate your wedding. Your wedding was just in four days.

"Thank you Paul." You smiled, slowly but surely warming up to the thought of him becoming your husband, "With our wedding in just a few days, how can we be throwing a party like this?"

"It's all taken care of," he smiled, not very convincing though, "Do you trust me?" He slowly came up behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist.

You slowly nodded. You wanted to trust him, you just couldn't. The one thing you were scared of was not being fully in love when you got married, and this fear seemed to be coming true.

"I can't wait for our marriage. My mother will be so proud" he grinned, thinking of finally making his own mother happy, "I can't wait until we can give her an heir after we're married."

You weakly smiled back at him, trying your best to contain your anxiety.


The party was almost over, and you were hiding away in a room nearby with your best friend, Audrey and Paul's mother, Catherine The Great.

"What if I'm not fit to be his wife?", your anxiety grew for your big day.

Audrey softly grasped onto your shoulder, "I think you're talking absolute nonsense. You're getting married for god's sake!"

"No other person would love my son the way you do. If I'm being honest, I'm happy it's you. I never thought he would find love. You should hear the way he talks about you", Catherine smiled, "he always repeats your name over and over again out loud to himself. It's pathetic- but adorable."

They were right, every doubt was in your head. You were very much in love with Paul. You just couldn't admit it, "You're right. We deserve each other. I love Paul, he loves me.", you took a deep breath, "oh my god, I love Paul."

Catherine sighed, "congrats on being the last one to figure it out."

Just before anyone could say anything else, the door swung open, Paul standing there with a few of his friends.

"My soon-to-be-wife, I've been looking all over for you!" He swept you off the velvet chair you were sat in, "My friends have been dying to meet you."

Catherine and Audrey gave you a reassuring smile right before you left.

"Paul, darling, what do you say we leave this party early and go have one of our own?"

Not understanding what you were implying, "Darling why would we leave our own party?" He could be a bit dull at times.

You sighed. Shaking your head, he grabs your arm and brings you back to the ballroom. Guests crowd around you two as soon as you enter, "We shall be wed on Saturday morning!", Paul announced, even though everyone there had already known. Congratulations and well wishes could be heard all throughout the room.

"Look at y/n, she looks so beautiful." You heard someone say in the crowd. It made you smile to yourself.

The ball room floor opened up, Paul leading you to the center. Everyone gathered around and watched as you and Paul started to dance together. His eye contact with you grew more intense as the song went on.

"After our marriage, this is what my life will be like." He happily whispered to himself, although you heard him, "I love you", he said a little louder.

And you said it back, "I love you too."

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