Something Stronger - Eddie Munson

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Reader meets Eddie during a drug deal

CW: drugs, weed, drug deal, implication of spicy time

It was a warm day after school, you sat outside with your younger friends, Dustin and Mike. You honestly had no idea how you became friends with kids 3 years younger than you, but it happened. Lucas ran up to you, a sense of urgency in his eyes that made everyone stop what they were doing and turn to him.

"Guys, I've been doing some thinking." He said, trying to catch his breath. "The guys on the basketball team told me they smoke something to get them to de-stress before a big game."

"Oh Jesus." You whispered under your breath, here we go. "Lucas, if you're trying to tell me you're starting to smoke weed, I'm-"

Dustin interrupted. "Wait! I think I know a guy that sells that kind of stuff." He smiled as he thought of his much older, cooler friend.

"You must be joking." You laughed, no way the most innocent kids you knew were talking about buying weed.

"Y/N, I'm serious! Everyone does it!" Lucas pleaded

"If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?" You crossed your arms and smirked at the boys.

"Y/N, I really think you should come with us! You'd really like this guy." Dustin giggled.

"Oh really?" You crossed your arms. "Why's that?"

"We know. You know. He's just...your type." Mike sighed, visibly annoyed as the other boys giggled.

"Fine. I'll go." You sighed in defeat. Whatever. If a hot guy was almost guaranteed to be there, you would be there too. "But you better not tell your parents about this. They'll never let us hang out again."

While the boys fought over shotgun, you hopped into your car, already regretting your decision. "Hop in before I change my mind!"


You pulled into the address that Dustin had given you. It was at a trailer park, one you had never been to before. Oh god. What we're you getting yourself into? A part of you was begging to get out and knock on the door, and the other part was begging for you to turn around and never drive back here again.

"This is his house!" Dustin said happily. He saw nothing wrong with this little mission you were on. You were just hoping this wasn't a sick plan to get you kidnapped.

You were hesitant to get out of the car. "You sure this is it?" You looked even closer.

Mike groaned. "Yup. This is Eddie's house. Don't be such a wimp."

"He's actually a really cool guy. God, I didn't know you were one to judge so quickly." Lucas clapped back as him and Mike happily hopped out of the car.

They suggested you go first, so you did. You knocked on the flimsy door of the trailer, waiting for a response. The guy who answered the door had dark, curly hair, and the brownest eyes you had ever seen. He was wearing a black tank top, which spelled out the name of a metal band across the front paired with skinny jeans. Damn. The boys were right. He is your type.

"Hey guys. What's the matter?" He looked at the boys, and then looked at you. A smirk grew across his face. "Who's your friend?" His eyes lit up.

"This is y/n." Lucas dug through his pockets, pulling out a few bills.

You give a small wave and a smile.

"I wanted to get some of that...good stuff." Lucas said shyly, it was like he had never seen a drug deal before.

"Come inside." Eddie waved you all inside his home. "Lucas, it's way too obvious this is your first time buying weed. Calm it down a little, man."

You looked around the small but cozy trailer. Many hats and mugs lined the walls. It lightly smelled of cigarettes. His home felt very loved and very lived in.

"Dusty bun, how've you been?" Eddie asked Dustin. You knew they've been friends for quite some time now, they're even in the same dungeons and dragons club.

"I just saw you yesterday. Nothings changed." He laughed, making his older friend laugh as well.

Eddie shrugged before turning back to Lucas. "How much?"

"I have $20 soo...whatever that can get me."

He nodded. "I'll be right back."

After Eddie went into his bedroom, you looked to your friends. "Oh my god. You guys know me so well. He's so hot."

Of course, Mike and Lucas rolled their eyes in disgust. However, Dustin encouraged you to take a chance on him. "He's a great guy. I say you ask him out."

Within the next few moments, Eddie ran out of his bedroom holding a black tin box. He opened it up on his kitchen counter.

"I can't believe I took you to buy drugs." You whispered to Lucas and crossed your arms.

"Sorry man, this is all you're gonna get for $20." He held up a small plastic baggie with the tiniest amount of green leaves inside. "And just so you know, no receipts."

"Got it." Lucas nodded. The other boys stood back and watched in awe, they couldn't believe their best friend was buying that. The boys all gathered around Lucas while he showed off his new possession.

Eddie was able to catch you by yourself for a moment. "Hey, have you always been friends with these goons? I'm surprised Steve didn't bring them."

"Seriously?" You laughed. "Steve would never condone this behavior from them. I'm surprised they even persuaded me to come here."

"Well, I'm always open for business, if you ever know...try it out for yourself." He crossed his arms and smirked.

"Hmm. Well, the boys did promise me you would be my type." Your eyes met his. "And they're not ones to break promises."

"Really?" His chin tilted upwards, getting a better view of you.

You nodded while you noticed him slightly blushing.

"Well...I can give you something a little...stronger...if you'd like." He winked.

You were about to agree when you noticed the boys had been watching this entire interaction. Great.

Mike scrunched up his nose. "Ewww, get a room!"

"Excuse me, this is my house, Wheeler." Eddie protested. He turned back to you and you could see his mouth make out the words "little shit." You had to hold back your laughter.

Dustin and Lucas were visibly cringing at the attempted flirting between you two. You, ignoring whatever the boys had to say, turned to Eddie and nodded.

"I would like that."

Eddie threw a walkie to Dustin. "Shoo, ask Steve to come get you." And he ushered the boys to wait outside. Eddie grabbed your hand without a second thought and pulled you into his bedroom.

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