Get Away - Joseph Quinn

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Reader and Joe go on a vacation

CW: implications of spicy time, cheesy surprises?

Your boyfriend of 2 years had just wrapped on filming a season of Stranger Things. He wanted nothing more than to celebrate with you and some friends by going on a relaxing vacation. He had to film in America, so you knew he missed his family dearly. Your relationship was getting more serious, so he brought you with him to film. Living in Georgia with him for a few years was different to say the least, but it brought you two together in a way that you never expected.

You were awoken by the sheets next to you rustling.

"Good morning darling." Joe looked over at you and smiled, giving you a warm kiss on your cheek. "Did I wake you?"

"I don't mind." You said groggily as you rubbed your eyes and smiled back at him. You sat up for a few moments only to fall back down onto the bed, wanting to rest for a few more minutes.

Just then, the door was swung open by none other than Jamie. "Good morning. I heard you enjoyed your night last night." He said with a smirk.

You nodded, your head still on your pillow. You were too tired to think anything of it.

"Jamie! Get out!" Joe hopped up and ran to shove his friend out of the room.

"I cannot believe him!" He sighed. You sat there, giggling at the situation.

All of a sudden, you remembered something. The surprise you were planning for Joe. You jumped up and grabbed your phone on the nightstand next to you. There was a text from Joseph's mother.


Joe's mom
Good morning! I hope you're enjoying your vacation. We are on our way! We will probably be there in about 5 minutes.

Sounds good! Thank you again for doing this.
I will have Jamie let you in. He has no idea!
He has been missing his parents like crazy!


You put your phone down and looked at Joe. He was looking right back at you.

"Is everything alright?" He asked. He could always tell when you were hiding something.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know." He paused for a moment. "I'm hungry, would you want to go get breakfast?"

Just then, you heard the front door open.

"I have that covered. Come lay with me for a moment." You patted the spot in bed next to you.

He laid back down, wrapping his arms around you.

After a few moments, there was a knock on your bedroom door.

"Jamie, I swear, I told you to leave us alone!" He huffed, getting up and stomping over to the door. He let out a loud sigh before opening the door. His mouth dropped and a huge smile broke out on his face.

"Mum! Dad!" He gave them both a warm embrace. "What're you doing here?" A big grin beamed on his face.

"Well, you have your wonderful girlfriend to thank for this." His mom smiled at you, waving you over to hug them both. "She coordinated this entire surprise."

His dad handed him a few balloons and a box of cupcakes. "Good to see you, son. You're doing big things I see? Stranger Things, is it?"

"Oh please, we just wrapped. I don't want to hear anything more about that show for quite a while." He joked with his father.

"I'm proud of you." His dad reminded him. You could tell this is what Joe needed to hear from somebody other than you, as he tried his absolute hardest to hold in a cheesy smile.

You could tell the small surprise you had planned had a big impact on Joseph and he would always remember this moment.

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