Neighbors - Leonard Bast

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Leonard Bast has a secret love affair with his next door neighbor, the reader

CW: cheating/love affair, i think that's it?

Leonard sat at the table while his wife, Jackie, prepared dinner.

"Darling, do you know if we are all out of bread?", she asked, preparing all the spices

"Hm..", he thought, "We should have a few pieces left. On the countertop."

"No, I'm not seeing any" she placed her hands on her hips and sighed, "I'll go next door and see if we can loan some from the neighbor."

"No need. I'll go", he quickly stood up, grabbing his hat from the hook next to the door, "I'll be back in a few."


You were sitting on your couch, drinking your nightly tea when there was a knock at the door.

Looking through the peephole, you noticed it was your neighbor, Leonard Bast. You didn't know him very well, you only knew him because he was married to Jackie.

"Leonard?", you opened the door where he stood patiently, "is everything alright?"

"Hello, miss l/n." he smiled. "I was just wondering if I could loan some bread?"

"Oh, come in!", you opened the door wider, allowing him to come in, "I should have a few pieces over here..."

You walked over to your kitchen while Leonard followed behind.

As you picked up the pieces, you looked over at him, he had a mischievous smirk on his face, "I'll be able to reimburse you, don't worry about it, darling."

You gave a friendly smile, not understanding what he was getting at. You had always found him quite attractive, but he had a wife. Even though you never really understood why he married Jackie. She was much older than him.

If Jackie never found out, a little flirting wouldn't hurt, "Reimburse" , you smirked back.

"Well, for starters," he inched closer to you, staring directly into your eyes. "I'll get you a new loaf of bread. And then..."

"And then?" You loved to egg him on. Seeing the way his cheeks became flushed and the way his eyes laid on you was exciting, to say the least.

"And then," he continued. "Hmm, I guess you'll just have to see what happens."

"Why now I have to see what happens, Mr. Bast." A mischievous grin spread across your face, as you watched him inch even closer.

He was so close to your face, you had almost felt him. But there was a knock on the door. It was Jackie's voice.

"Leonard? Honey? How long does it take to ask for a slice of bread? Cmon now, your dinner is getting cold." She repeatedly and annoyingly knocked on the door.

Leonard jumped. "Coming darling!" He snapped back to reality and brushed off his clothing. "Um..thank you..for the bread."

"Can we continue this at a later point? I feel it was just getting good." You gave him another one of your devilish smirks. He was obviously very flustered by this comment and he stuttered before giving a simple nod and rushing out the door.


A few days later, it was around 5 o'clock when there was a knock at the door. You weren't expecting anyone though. Getting up off the couch, you rushed over to open it. Leonard was standing there, nervously staring at you. He had a loaf of bread in his hands and immediately handed it off to you.

"Leonard? What are you doing?" You whispered in confusion.

"Told you I'd come back to reimburse you." He looked to the side, obviously more nervous than he was letting on. "I told Jackie I'd be staying late at work." He gave a mischievous nod as you let him into your home. "Never liked Jackie anyway. Pressured me into marrying her. I'm way too young to be married!"

You poured him a glass of whiskey as he sat down at your kitchen table. "I do have to agree. You're quite young. She must've decided on marrying the first man she laid eyes on- even if that man was still a boy." You leaned against the table. Leonard had a very offended look on his face. "What?! I'm just being honest!" You defensively threw your hands up. "You can always divorce her, you know."

"It's not that easy. I'm all she's got." He declared, swirling his glass of whiskey around. "Imagine what the town would think if an older woman had nothing left because her young ex-husband left her. Technically, we married for money." He took a very well-needed gulp of his drink and set it down on the table.

"No, Mr Bast. She married you for your money." You sighed. "Doesn't look like you've got much anyway."

"Excuse you." He cleared his throat, a slightly angry demeanor came over him. "You're living in the same area as me, you probably have about the same money I do."

You sighed and shook your head. A silence came over your house for a few moments.

Leonard started walking closer towards you. "I'll need to get home to Jackie soon, but I want to make these last few minutes with you count." He leaned in quickly to kiss you. "That felt...right." He sighed.

"It did. Better than Jackie?" You blushed and smiled.

"Much better." He scratched the back of his neck out of nervousness. "It's quite obvious I don't love Jackie, is it?"

"I'd say so." You nodded and took a deep breath. "Leonard, are you sure you want to do this? If the town finds out, they'll be even more disapproving than if you were to just divorce her in the first place."

He smirked. "I'd take that risk."

You held out your hand, lifting him out of his seat. He wrapped his arms around you slowly before diving into a deep kiss.

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