No Surprises - Eddie Munson

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Reader sees Eddie Munson again when his name is finally cleared and he comes out of hiding. Except she has a big surprise for him.

CW: Eddie's "death"/disappearance, emotional, stress, pregnancy, fluff

You sat on the couch one day, watching tv when the phone rang. You groaned and got up to answer it.

"Hello?", you answered, more than annoyed.

"Y/N? It's me, Eddie.", He spoke softly into the phone.

"Eddie?!", you couldn't believe your own ears, "You shouldn't be calling me. You're supposed to be in hiding."

Six months ago, Hawkins was affected by multiple murders and an "earthquake" which you really knew to be the upside down and Vecna. Of course your boyfriend at the time, Eddie Munson, was accused of these murders, he had no choice but to fake his death in the so-called earthquake until his name were to be cleared. This meant you had to breakup and go your separate ways. You went back home to stay with your family, the Hendersons. While Eddie, well, you didn't really know where he went. You were always willing to wait for him though. Life was hard without him. Very.

"I think it's finally happening. My name was cleared. Say, you'll go to dinner with me tonight. Please? I think we can finally be together..."

You nodded, forgetting he couldn't see you nod through the phone, "uhh, yeah. I'll be there."

"You still living at home? Henderson there?", he asked, seemingly like he wanted to speak to his best friend for the first time in months. It's not like he had anything to catch him up on, he's been hiding god knows where.

Your younger brother was just upstairs in his room. You didn't have the heart to tell him his best friend was back. Not yet, "No, he's out with Mike. Do you want me to tell him you called?"

"Don't, I'll always be here, there will be plenty of other times to see him, I'll call later for him.", you could basically hear him smile, "Tables And Taps sound good? at 8?"

"Yes, see you then", you smiled, you were more than ready to see Eddie again, but you forgot one important thing.

You were currently 7 months pregnant. You found out you were pregnant a few weeks after he had 'died'. Everyday he was in hiding, you spent wishing and praying that his name would be cleared so you could finally tell him. All you wanted was for the day to finally be here where he could be with you on this journey, but now that the day was here, nothing terrified you more. Your family was more than supportive, your mom and Dustin came with you to every appointment, and would jump on every chance they got to help you out. You still couldn't help but wish that it was Eddie there instead of them. How would he react when he saw you with a bump tonight? All the possibilities went through your head.

"Alright. I can't wait to see you again princess." He said over the phone, making you snap out of your anxiety filled head.

your voice shaky, "Y-yea", you hung up the phone before he could question it. You started to cry and walked into Dustin's room.

He was sitting on his bed and he quickly turned his attention to you.

"Eddie's home", you said through sobs, "I'm seeing him tonight."

"Really!?" His face lit up and he started jumping around before running over to you and giving you a hug, "He'll be so happy to see you. Trust me."

It was like Dustin could read your mind when you were upset, he always knew what to say. He wiped your tears and you went to get ready.


She sounded so upset, did I say something wrong? What if she doesn't show tonight? What if she has moved on to better things? Man, I'm such a moron for leaving her for 6 months. I should have at least tried to figure out a way to keep in touch with her.

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