Pucker Up, Princess - Eddie Munson

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Reader and Eddie Munson do a staring contest and whoever loses has to do what the winner says


You and Eddie sat in his bedroom, trying to figure out what to do. Eddie was your best friend, and that was all. You had secretly liked him for a long time now but knew he wasn't interested. He had better, more prettier girls that were always at his feet. Why even bother? You both wanted different things.

You were both very obviously bored and would actually be interested in watching paint dry at this point.

Eddie finally broke his silence, "Tell you what, we do a staring contest and whoever wins gets to dare the loser to do something and they have to do it. 'Kay?"

You nodded, agreeing. You were god awful at staring contests. You weren't even going to try. Plus, you couldn't think of a single thing to even dare Eddie to do.

You and Eddie stared each other in the face, "one...two...three...go!", he shouted. You could actually get used to this, his chocolate brown button eyes were such a sight for sore eyes. Feeling yourself get lost in them, you quickly blinked, forgetting you were playing the game.

"Aha!" He clapped his hands together and pointed to your face, "you blinked! I win!"

"Okay, okay, what do you dare me to do?" You smiled, prepared for him to say something stupid like telling you to do his dishes or do his homework. Last time he dared you to do something, it was to go and clean his dirty clothes. Eugh, it still makes you shudder to this day.

He looked right into your eyes, "Kiss me."

"What?" Your eyes went wide and your smile felt weak

"Y/N, I dare you to kiss me", he grinned, "Pucker up, princess."

"Alright", you beamed as you leaned in to kiss him and he leaned in too.

Your worlds collided as did your lips. Your hands started to shake and your knees felt wobbly. The pit in your stomach turned to a spark. It hit that there was no turning back and you were in deep now. He laid a hand on your hip and another on your cheek.

"Even better than I imagined, you're so metal.", he blushed along with his signature smirk that totally rocked your world.

Sorry this one is so so short and bad but I got inspo from tumblr! Ok byeeeee

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