Date Eve - Eddie Munson

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The night before your first date

Eddie returns back to his trailer, sighing as he collapses on the couch. It's been a long day at the shop but the thought of you made it much more manageable. He can't stop thinking about you. It's been what feels like so long since he's been on a date, let alone felt this way about someone. He's like a little kid, laying out his outfit the night before. He wonders what you'll be wearing- he hopes you decide on your black dress- but he already knows you'll look beautiful in anything. He wonders if you think about him the way he's thinking about you right now. Little does he know, it's hard for you to stop thinking about him. You decide to be a tease, and send him a text.

"One more sleep until our date :)"

He smiles from ear to ear while reading the message. He re-reads the message multiple times, feeling his face grow hotter each time. He's urgent to reply back to you, not wanting to keep you waiting any longer.

"Happy date eve, my princess :)"

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