Family Life - Leonard Bast

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Leonard suddenly shows interest in starting a family with reader.


You sat in your small flat waiting for your husband, Leonard to come home from work. It was a very bright day, and everyone was running errands or spending time with family, but not you. You spent the day tidying your home and preparing dinner for you and your husband.

"y/n, darling!" He was particularly cheerful today.

"Hello my love, how was work?" You took his coat and hat from him and hung it on a rack by the door. You loved your life, but loved your husband even more.

"Oh, it was spectacular today." He quickly greeted you with a kiss and put his briefcase on his desk. "I saw so many different people on my walk home today...speaking of..." He started to speak but you can tell he was hesitant and nervous.

"Yes, Lennie? You can talk to me about anything, you know that?"

He nodded and swallowed, "I saw a child". He smiled as a special kind of joy sparked in his eye. "This child was beautiful. I couldn't help but wonder how beautiful our child would be."

"Lennie... what are you trying to say?"

"Y/N, I already know you'd make a wonderful mother", his ears turned a bright pink, "I can't help but imagine us everyday with a child. We're already married, what do you say?"

"Leonard, you know I would love that." A cheery smile appeared on his face as these words left your mouth.

"But...?" Leonard knew what he was hearing was too good to be true.

"There's no buts. I know we're still quite young, we may get some disapproving looks, but I don't care. What matters is us." You nodded, proving to him this is something you wanted as well. "I'm your wife. I want to do this with you."

He grabbed your hands and led you over to the couch. "Oh, thank you my beautiful wife." He smiled graciously. "Just imagine what our lives will be like soon."

You smiled, imagining the future with your husband.

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