The Beach - Tom Grant

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Your boyfriend, Tom had always lived on the beach. He has worked for a caravan park on the beach his entire life, so it was all he knew.

Today was his day off, and you couldn't think of anything better to do than have a beach day with him and your 2 year old daughter, Penelope. You were happy in your little caravan home. It wasn't much, but it was yours. Your relationship was far from conventional, usually people get married and then have kids. But not you and Tom. You didn't mind it though. All marriage was to you and Tom was a silly little piece of paper. You knew what you meant to each other, and you didn't need to get married for that to be true.

"Nellie, come on love" Tom chased after your daughter who was unable to stand still. "Let's get you dressed." 

You had laid out a red swimsuit for her, as you had a matching one. You put your matching swimsuit on

You smiled as you watched Penelope giggle, running away from her father. She eventually ran right into your path.

"We've got her cornered." You smile as Tom picked her up and placed her on the bed.

The sound of her giggles continued to fill the air. You couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable laughter.

"What's so funny?" Tom smiled back, happy to see his girls laughing.


As expected, it was a bit gloomy out. You still smothered yourself and Penelope in sun lotion though. Tom, on the other hand couldn't care less if he got a sunburn.

"Tom, honey you should put on some lotion." You handed him the bottle. "Even when it's cloudy out you can still get burnt."

"I'll be fine." He shrugged. You knew how stubborn he could get, so you didn't push it.

"Well can you get my back?"

"Of course. C'mere."

You turned around as he squirted a dollop of lotion into the palm of his hand. He began to rub it into your back, quickly going from just applying the sunscreen to giving you a full on back massage. But you didn't mind.

Tom had set up a tiny little umbrella for Nellie, accompanying her huge sunglasses and hat she was wearing. You both were always so careful with her being around the sun.

Nellie laid on a towel you had put on the sand. Tom was about to sit down next to her, when he saw one of his coworkers approaching.

"Hey Mike!" Tom shouted.

"Tom?" The older man squinted before picking up his speed. "How are ya?"

"Good. Here with my family."

"Ah." The man had a thick accent. "Ya. The ones you never shut up about." He reached out to shake your hand and then innocently waved at Penelope. Mike was Tom's closest friend he worked with. "I'll watch 'er for ya. You should be able to go 'nto the ocean by yourselves." He had grandchildren of his own, so you knew you could trust him with Penelope for 5 minutes.

"Thank you. We'll only be out there for a little bit." You smiled and thanked the man. Tom grabbed your hand as you made your way into the ocean. You walked with him slowly as your body adjusted to the cold water.

You gasped. "It's so cold!"

"I'll keep you warm. C'mere." He wrapped his arms around your thighs while you wrapped your legs around his waist. It was just you, him, and the waves. He started to kiss you slowly. The waves kept crashing into you but you were too preoccupied to care. He moved down from your lips to your neck.

"You taste like salt." He whispered.

"Hmm, I wonder why" you chuckled.

"Darling?" He picked his head up and looked into your eyes. "I love you so much. You and Nellie are the reason why I'm so happy."

"I love you too." Your attempt to hold back a smile failed horribly.

"Do you know you're so beautiful?" He studied your face just like he had done millions of times before. "Y'know, my coworkers get so annoyed with me talking about you 24/7. But I don't blame them. I would be annoyed too if I had to sit there and listen to some wanker talk about a beautiful girl I couldn't experience for myself."

"Hmm." You peppered kisses all over his face, and then one on his bare chest. "First of all, you're not a wanker. Second of all, you're too good to me."

He gave you one last kiss before you moved your legs back onto the ocean floor. His hands moved to around your waist.

"I love the ocean." You sighed. "The water is so beautiful."

"Yeah, well" he grabbed your hand. "The beauty of the ocean is nothing compared to you." He slowly brought your hand up to his mouth, placing light kisses on your fingertips.

"Do you want to go back and build a sand castle with Nellie?" You asked, beginning towards the shore.

Tom had a bittersweet smile. "Her first sandcastle." He grabbed your other hand. "She's growing so fast."

You nodded. "She is."

You found Mike and Nellie laying on the beach towel. Nellie was out like a light.

"She never goes down for her nap on time, or does it that easily." Tom smiled, seeing his girl sleeping peacefully. "How did you do it?"

"S'a trick I used on my own grandbabies."

you and Tom sat down next to Nellie while Mike stood up.

"If you need me to watch her anytime, just give me a holler." He grinned. "She's a precious one." He waved goodbye to you and Tom.

"Thank you, Mike." Before you could say anything else, he was already down the beach. "Isn't that sweet?" You whispered to Tom, careful not to wake Nellie.

"Mhm." He sweetly nodded. "Mike's a sweetheart."

You both stared into the ocean for a little bit before Tom turned back to you. "I could stay here on this beach with you forever." He reached for your hand and interlocked your fingers in his.

"I could too."

A/N: I've been at the beach and seeing all these cute lil families spending time together gave me huge inspo for this <33 enjoy!

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