Kiss The Cook - Eddie Munson

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Eddie sees how tired the reader is and decides to take over and cook dinner to treat her to a night off


You got home from work, placing your bag on the table with a loud sigh. You didn't get very far into the house before you smelled something. Taking a few more steps, you heard some sizzling sounds coming from the stove.

"Eddie? Baby, what're you cooking?" You spoke up, following the smell of something cooking. He stood in the kitchen wearing nothing but black sweatpants and an apron.

"Hey baby, Im giving you a night off.", he smiled, his back turned to you as he was taking a spatula to a pan. "I noticed you've been so tired lately, let me take over dinner for one night."

You nodded with a grin. coming up slowly behind him. You wrapped your arms around his waist. "Thank you, really." You rested your head against his back. "So what's for dinner, mister?"

"Chicken." He said with a chuckle, not about to
elaborate. "It's the least I could do for my girl."

You smiled, not wanting to crush his cute dreams of cooking you dinner. "I hate to break it to you honey, but chicken is easier to cook in the oven."

"Aghh!", he groaned. "I knew I was doing something wrong!" He flipped the chicken over and finally turned to look at you. "I don't know how you do it, babe. You must have like magical hands- or something."

"It's all the practice from cooking for you all these years." You joked, which he laughed at. You looked down at the apron and read to yourself what was across the front 'Kiss The Cook'. You hummed to yourself, of course Eddie would be the one to own that apron.

"So, are you gonna do what the apron says or not?" Giving you a cheeky smile, his face turned a new shade a pink. You stared into each others eyes for what felt like eternity, but still wasn't long enough.

"Eh, you're lucky you're cute." You leaned in and gave him a kiss. Kissing Eddie was not a rare occurrence, but every time your lips met it sure did feel brand new.

The chicken on the stove started sizzling more aggressively than before, making you jump out of the kiss and point it out. "Ed's, I think your chicken is burning." You backed up a little bit to give him some space to salvage his chicken

His eyes went wide as he turned to look at it, "oh, sh-shit, shit, shit!" The chicken was burnt to a crisp. He frantically tried to salvage what he could but ultimately had to dump most of it into the sink. "Fuck, shit." He sighed under his breath, getting a disapproving look from you. "Sorry."

You smiled, not wanting him to beat himself up too much over one single dinner gone to waste. "It's alright Ed's, it's the thought that counts." You whispered, leading him over to sit on the couch with you. "Hey, I still love you, chicken or no chicken."

This comment made him crack a smile and he nudged your arm slightly. "I'm sorry, looks like we're getting take out tonight." He chuckled, walking over to the telephone. "Chinese good?"

A/N: I also posted this to my tumblr, if you want to know my tumblr @ go ahead and ask! :) I usually like to keep my posts separate, but I feel like just this once is okay.

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