Flowers - Enjolras

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Enjolras, non-believer in romance, buys his girlfriend flowers from reader, a worker in the local flower shop.


It was just another day for you as a florist in the local flower shop. You were fixing  a bouquet and trimming the stems on some roses when a man walked in. His name was Enjolras, he was the revolutionist that everyone knew about. You had seen him around town before, but never expected him to step foot in a flower shop.

He looked around, somewhat disgruntled, "what flowers do you have?"

"Oh, um...", you were kind of confused by this question, "This is a flower shop, we have many different kinds of flowers."

"So helpful", he scoffed sarcastically.

He intimidated you, so you didn't say anything in response. You just let him browse for a moment before returning back over to him.

"Sir, what is the occasion."

"Well, I'm here to get my girlfriend flowers", he smiled unconvincingly. He didn't look very happy.

You were more than shocked to hear the words 'girlfriend' leave his mouth, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"Yeah, well...I don't have time for stupid romance" he shrugged, "I'd be shocked too."

"It's not that I'm shocked, I'm just-"

"It's okay you can say it, I agree with you", he chuckled under his breath.

He picked up a single tulip and examined it, "what flower do you recommend? What flower is this?"

"My personal favorite flower is a Peony. If you're getting them for your girlfriend, I would recommend Roses, they represent love", you cleared your throat, "the one you're holding is a tulip."

He slowly placed the tulip back down and looked at you intensely, "what's your name?"


"Y/N, I don't know what to do. Don't get me wrong, my girlfriend is a great woman. I just don't believe in romance, I'm not a love sick looney."

"I don't want to overstep, but I think you'll believe romance is real when you experience it for yourself", you avoided eye contact,"...maybe your girlfriend just isn't the one."

"No, I've always felt this way", his eyebrows scrunched together, "I've always known love isn't real, my whole life. It's just...stupid."

"What do you mean? I think love is beautiful when you find it in the right places."

"I's idiotic. There are many better things to be doing."

"Like leading a revolution?", it just slipped out.

"Yes..." he paused, "what are you getting at?

"Look, all I'm saying is that maybe you're priorities aren't in the right place."

"Oh, don't tell me my priorities are in the wrong place" he turned around, "just give me a bouquet of roses, please."

"Sure." You threw your hands up in defeat and went to prepare the bouquet.

There was an awkward silence as you were gathering the roses, but there was one question you were dying to know, "If you don't like romance, why do you have a girlfriend?"

"That's a good question", he sat for a second to ponder, "I guess we got together because I was pressured from my friends to 'get out there'. Stupid bullshit like that. Now I'm stuck."

"Enjolras, let me ask you something. Think about your answer before you decide to give me a stupid response again." You bundled up the roses and arranged them to look as nice as possible. "Is it that you don't believe in love, or is your girlfriend just not the one?"

"Oh, um." He sighed as he began to think. You could tell this question hit him hard. "I guess I've never thought about it this way."

"Guess you have a lot of thinking to do then, yeah?"

"I suppose so."

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