Good Luck Kiss? - Eddie Munson

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Rockstar!Eddie x Makeup artist!reader
Reader is doing Eddie's makeup before his bands big concert

Eddie sat infront of you in the makeup chair. The green room smelled of cigarettes, cheap cologne, and weed. You were used to it though, working for the band since they began touring. Since then you and Eddie started a situation-ship with each other.

You really only did eyeliner on the guys, sometimes adding the occasional gem stones when they were feeling it. Which wasn't often.

"You almost done beautiful? I got a crowd to entertain." He chuckled. His eyes were closed while you were doing your thing, drawing a black line on his lash lines. God did he have nice lashes. You were somewhat jealous.

"Yes Eds." Your hands were shaky, you were so nervous around him, let alone the pressure to have his eyeliner be perfect. "I'm almosssst done."

"I can tell you're focused sweetheart." He smirked. God that stupid smirk you just wanted to kiss right off his stupid face. "I'll just let you do your thing."

You finished drawing the black line on his left lower lash line. "And, I'm done." You smiled, taking a step back to admire your work. Your beautiful work on a beautiful canvas. "Open."

He opened his eyes. His big, dark eyes looked somehow even more attractive when they were accompanied by the black, obnoxiously thick lines on his eyelids. The sound of the crowds chanting for the band could be heard in the background. You could have gotten lost in those brown orbs staring back at you if it wasn't for the sound of the fans.

"Hear that?" He stood up out of his chair "they're calling for me."

Jeff, Vince, and Gareth left the room, hyping each other up for the gig. You crossed your arms as you watched Eddie get ready to follow after them.

He took a quick glance in the mirror. "It looks good, as always." He grabbed his guitar turned back to you. "Good luck kiss?"

AN: this was lowkey so fun writing! I need some more requests!

Also I met Joseph last week! He is the best person I could've ever met. He was so very sweet and I will never forget it. I do have to say, he is so precious and adorable in person. His eyes are so big and beautiful in person 🥰 i honestly blacked out when we made eye contact haha

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